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You're a human being, you live once, and life is wonderful; so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Park Kyungsoo was alone. And he hated it.

Intelligentsia coffee. Silver Beats. Clear aviator glasses. A distinct aura of don't you dare talk to me. He was walking through the state park of Seoul with a straight gaze, his Doc Martins crunching the vast expansion of old artificial snow that hadn't been cleared up after the festival last night. Not the most stylish of actions, considering his vacillating gait, made only worse by the large strides he took to prevent slipping on the fake snow. It made people avoid him.

What is he doing? You may feel inclined to ask.

"I'm going out," he previously explained to his intriguingly irritating roommate Lyosha, with extra-douchey emphasis on out, as if it were horribly obvious.

"You're meeting a girl," said Lyosha, raising his eyebrows. That's all he cared to say on the issue. He was only half-right.

Back to Kyungsoo. He strided purposefully through the path, trying not to obviously match his steps to the beat of Mr. Brightside, his eyes sweeping the area for a sign of the girl he was about to meet: his admittedly more-talented sister.

Being the sister of Red Velvet's consummate vocalist wasn't the easiest thing to do — ever since 2014, Park Sooyoung (or more appropriately, Joy) had gathered a reputation as the Overshadower between the two siblings. Each time they met, which was around once a month excluding family gatherings, Sooyoung would always accidentally, unintentionally find a way to remind her younger brother of the fact that she had already debuted, and was already 100% more popular and successful than him.

I guess it's partly my fault, Kyungsoo thought, as he shoved his earbuds into his pocket, in a manner lacking any obvious principle of organisation.

She was sitting on the bench underneath the oak tree, in a place conveniently distant from any type of human, in case anyone recognised her. Small, wearing a selection of dated street aesthetic clothes. Sipping an out-of-season pumpkin spice latte that the barista will make in secret, as he is "always won over by her charm" every time she steps a foot into Starbucks.

A tiny brown poodle sat at her ankles, occasionally yapping at something non-existent. Or, in this case, something very existent.

"Kyungsoo!" Sooyoung called, slightly too loud, attracting the attention of several passerbys.

Kyungsoo cringed, shamefully, and walked over to the bench Sooyoung was sitting on, taking a seat beside her. "A little bit too loud there, Soo," he said, almost fondly.

"Well, excuse me if I'm excited to see you," she said sarcastically, smiling. The poodle yapped again, lowkey wanting the heed of this "stranger".

Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows at the poodle, as if he were human and somehow knew what he meant. "I haven't seen you in a while," he mused.

"He missed you," said Sooyoung, talking in her signature Baby Voice™, of which only the dog and various animals had the privilege of hearing.

"Huchu didn't miss me," said Kyungsoo, modestly, knowing full well that it would be borderline offensive if their dog didn't miss him.

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