>>F O R T Y O N E<<

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Forty-One: Sex Ed.

Prompt by and dedicated to:vogue_babii

Thank you!!

Sitting across from Liam in the bath, Louis giggled scrubbing shampoo in his little brother's hair. The younger one squealed happily as he chewed on a rubber duck with a grin, "Stick 'ya ears up Lee Lee." Louis orders soaping the fluffy ears, "Y-yuckie!" Liam complains shaking his head, Louis huffs "No! Lee-yum stop!" Harry clears his throat sitting on the side of the tub, "Louis our agreement was that you were going to start being patient with Liam if you want to give him a bath." The daddy reminds, Louis groans, "I was Daddy!" Liam peers up still smiling as he hands Harry his duck, "Thank you baby, Louis I'll finish washing him." Louis pouts, "No! I wanna wash him! He my baby 'broder!" 

"I know he's your baby brother, but sometimes sweetheart there are things that Daddies just have to do." Harry soothes, Louis however rolls his eyes grabbing a rag and washing himself with a glare, "I no care." Harry smirks cleaning Liam, "You seem to be grumpy for someone who doesn't care." The youngest hybrid gasps shaking his head, "I-I's no 'rumpy!" The papa chuckles kissing his baby's forehead, "No baby you're not grumpy."

Fixing a quick lunch of frozen chicken nuggets with carrots and celery for the boys, Zayn sighs rubbing a tired hand down his face. "Are you okay?" Harry asks carrying Liam into the room kissing his husband, "Tired of these damn cameras." Zayn mutters glaring as one enters the room following Louis, "Papa tell 'em to 'weave me alone!" Louis demands turning to raise a fist towards it, "Lewis!" Harry scolds placing Liam on the ground, "You put that fist down little boy." Zayn commands hardening his stare, Louis rolls his eyes remembering what his Papa does when someone makes him angry; sticking his middle finger up with a devious grin Louis frowns hearing both his fathers gasp loudly. That sound was never good.

Sobbing in his high chair, Louis cries louder when Zayn sets a plate of food on the tray, "Eat Louis, it's nap time after." Knocking the food off, Louis screams in frustration: "I no take a nap!" Liam watches with wide eyes at his older brothers actions, he wouldn't ever knock his food down on purpose, Papa would've belted him. 

However, to both boys surprise, Zayn unlatched the tray that held Louis in his chair taking the boy out. Louis stopped his wails when he realized Zayn didn't look angry. Harry gave him ten hard slaps when Louis had flipped the camera man the bird, something Louis knew would warrant the belt; and dumping his food on the ground was only begging for a whipping with the spoon. Only no punishment came his way yet, instead, Zayn continued upstairs into Louis' room. Laying the boy on the bed he grabs a pull up sliding it on him, sliding him to lay on his pillow, Zayn covers him up slipping a pacifier in his mouth. Setting his bear next to him, Zayn left to get the family Ipad playing the first kids movie he saw on Netflix, "If you get up, it's going to be bad for you. Do you understand?" Louis cries softly nodding, Zayn pecking his cheek before placing the iPad on the nightstand to where Louis could still see it. 

Returning to the kitchen, he sees Liam sleepily eating his lunch. Harry catches his attention as he cleans up the mess Louis made, "He's down for a nap." Zayn informs, Harry nods dumping it in the trash. "As soon as Lee's finished he's napping as well." Zayn smiles rubbing Harry's arm turning to the camera men who stayed rooted to the floor, "I'll pay you a thousand dollars to give us the night off." He bargains seeing the man carefully thinking it over before agreeing, "Alright, see ya tomorrow, bright and early." Zayn nods writing a check, "Fine by me." 

Tucking Liam in his crib, Harry turns on the mobile and sound machine making sure he had another pacifier by his head; the daddy was making sure that even if Liam awoke, he could easily fall back asleep. Something telling Harry that Zayn wanted the house quiet for a reason. A reason that would more often than not involve sex. 

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