Chapter 23: 5.9.2 The Real Ghostbusters

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"Uh....I don't think they care because they're fictional characters!" Demian replied.

"Oh, they care. Believe me. They care a lot." Dean stormed off, shoving his way between the two larpers. Sam and Cassandra exchanged glances before the latter chased after him, catching up after a few moments.

She rested a hand on his shoulder as she stopped in front of him, keeping him from walking any further.

"Dean. Dean, calm down," she said softly, staring up at him. He sucked in a sharp breath and shook his head, glancing away. "These people don't understand that you guys are real. You can't just go off on them like that."

"They're making us look like idiots!"

"And I get that, Dean, but they don't know that. To them this is just a game and I'd rather it stay that way. Introducing them to this world will flip their lives upside down and it won't be for the better," Cassandra explained. Dean's gaze drifted down to her and he frowned. He knew she was speaking from experience. Every fiber of his being regretted dragging her into the supernatural world but they had to. Cassandra sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Please, Dean, just calm down. For me?"

Dean reached out and cupped her cheek. Cassandra sent him a warm smile, hoping it'd help. Dean leaned down and softly placed his lips on hers, his eyes fluttering closed as she kissed him back instantly. There was no hesitation like earlier. Dean pulled away, sighing, and rested his forehead on hers again. The scent of whiskey lingered on Dean's breath, reminding the blonde of the kiss from earlier.

"How are you so calm and not frustrated over idiots like them?" he muttered. Cassandra chuckled as she stared back into his green eyes, the dim street light next to them reflecting off of his irises and giving them a glow that she had come to love.

"Because it's just not worth the time or stress. We have bigger things to worry about than some geeks."

"Mm, you really deserve that doctorate degree. I'd have you as my therapist no matter how expensive you were," he told her. Cassandra laughed and shook her head, earning a small smile from Dean.

"But you already get me for free," the blonde teased. Dean grinned and Cassandra knew that she had managed to lift his mood. Maybe Chuck was right. Maybe he did feel something for her. "Come on. Let's go burn some bones."


    Cassandra and Dean walked side-by-side as they shined the flashlights around the cemetery, Sam doing the same on the other side. They skimmed over each headstone before Dean stopped on one aging stone in particular.

"I found the four boys," he announced.

"And here's Leticia Gore," Sam replied, shining his flashlight just a few feet away. Cassandra looked up at the sound of rustling and random lights and she glanced over towards Demian and Barnes who tip toed around the edge of the cemetery, shining their flashlights in the bushes. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Uh...what are you guys doing?" Cassandra questioned, cocking her head to the side slightly. Demian glanced up, staying in character which earned an eye roll from the blonde.

"We're looking for bones, genius. They gotta be around here somewhere," he told her. Cassandra nodded and glanced away, licking her lips, before returning her attention back towards the larpers.

"Okay. Generally, bones are in the ground," she replied. Sam let his duffel bag fall to the ground and leaned down to grab his shovel, Dean shining the light on it for him.

"Yeah, I know that. I just—" Demian stopped, his gaze drifting over towards Sam who pulled the shovel from the bag. His eyes widened and he broke character, letting Cassandra sigh in relief. "Wait, hold on. Are you guys serious?"

Monster (A Supernatural Fanfiction) [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz