Comincia dall'inizio

I nod.

Finn captures my hand. "What about you?"

"I've only ever had one boyfriend. Trevor, I mean. It was doomed from the beginning."

"How so?" he says, seeming genuinely interested.

"You know that George is his kid, right? Well, things have come out that I'm not going to get into because it's not my business to spread, but I will say that the man I thought I loved isn't the man I was with for those three years."

Not by a long shot.

"How old were you when you got together?" he says.

I do the math in my head, my brain seeming to have put a mental block on that time of my life.

"Sixteen, almost seventeen. Trevor was twenty-one."

Finn makes the face I expect him to when he hears about the age gap. Even my dad made it when he found out about us dating. Looking back, I'd do things differently. A man in his twenties is far more developed than a teenager, and it doesn't surprise me that he slept around. Like I said to Finn - it was doomed.

"I'm not here to judge, but the thought of me going out with a sixteen-year-old at the age Trevor was with you makes me feel more than a little uncomfortable. Did he treat you good?"

"No," I laugh, glad I'm able to do that now, "I see how bad our relationship was now. Trevor likes control, and I feel like he liked the fact he could control me more. I'm a soft touch. I prefer to please people rather than argue something I disagree on, and Trevor got off on using my kindness against me."

"Prick," Finn responds.

I sober at the thought of Laine. "You have no idea."

"I saw the guy a few times. Seems like a pretentious idiot."

"I could think of nastier words to call him. But, I'm done feeling bitter. Now, I want to see him suffer for my sister."

Even, if that means one of my brothers knocking him to the ground with a hard punch.

"Back to us," he gives me a sweet smile, one that has me reluctantly melting into the seat. "You wanted to know if I meant what I said on the phone. Every. Word. I'm not letting what we have be casual anymore. I refuse."

"I'm not ready for it," I say, not able to look at him.

Finn smooths his fingers down my cheek, tilting my jaw up. "Yes, you are ready. You're so ready it scares you. I get it. You have your guard up, and you are expecting for me to mess up, but please don't put that on me."

"I can't trust you," I say, feeling like a hand is squeezing around my neck at the lie I just told him.

Finn's sharp breath is all I hear. "Are you serious?"

No, I'm a big fat liar. But, there's a need inside me that says to be careful. Mental scarring, maybe? I don't know, but it's making me want to run away and into his arms at the same time.

The words taste like strong vinegar on my taste buds. "Yeah, more than serious."

"Wow, honey, strike a man when he's down why don't you? And to think I thought you were different? Part of me thinks you enjoy the drama."

"Get stuffed," I shout, widening my eyes.

"No," he leans in closer. "You get stuffed."

I grit my teeth together, watching his expression turn almost smug. "How old are you?" I say.

"Twenty-five, you?"

I move to speak to the driver. "How long until we arrive at the restaurant, sir?"

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora