dear neighbor

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Dear neighbors with the window that is always alight.
I think of who you could be, what life you could lead.
The colors in your mind. The reason you can't sleep.
I can't sleep either.
The difference between you and me is that I prefer the dark.
I wonder though that at those late hours in the night if you also look out the window and see an all consuming light.
If you think of me a boy with blue eyes or a girl who can't sleep so she stares at the sky.
I'm scared of windows though during nightfall
afraid I'll see something, like a pair of eyeballs.
When I see your windows bright as day, it's only for a second until I turn away.
It wasn't till now that I remembered I knew
The person in the house and the boy colored blue
A childhood friend with more gerbils than I could count
A boy I do not care for without a doubt
On a sleepy night where my fantasies fade
I wish I could forget
The truth behind the lighted way

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