The girl who made the fireworks.

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It's lonely down here
Where I put my self esteem.
I would bring it up higher but society taught me.
I want to be with you.
But my feelings are not true.
Kissing a girl is wrong.
My parents think so too.
I love her though, she looks like somebody I'd like to see.
That boy I dated felt numb.
Like it wasn't meant to be.
Where are the fireworks that are supposed to reside within me.
I see the girl whose eyes shine brighter than you'd believe.
The dark brown that reminds me of winter and sweets.
I wanted to kiss her so I asked If we could
It was the Fourth of July and she tasted like cherry and love
I told society that I loved this girl
And I told my family too.
They said get away from me this isn't who you're supposed to be.
I walked away with her hand in mine
We made every day the Fourth of July


I guess you could say this part is a bit cheesy but I really liked it and I really hope you like it too. Stay warm my pumpkin spice lattes.

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