Social shampooing (because social conditioning isnt a thing)

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I am dying to be oversexualized
Raped by eyes
Checked up and down
By that clown
Who wore those too tight skinny jeans.
I am uncomfortable with my own body.
The filthy mirror holding in me
And all of my cellulite filled glory
I've been told social conditioning isn't a thing
But then I remember the times I couldn't wear shorts in the heat. My thighs
I try to hide
The jiggling sensation that is your motivation to burn my thoughts down.
I haven't even had my first kiss but God you couldn't miss what a slut I truly am.
I'm gay but I would love to hear your praise on what a tight little butt I have.
Because, Hi!
No matter what I feel is right my opinions will never amount to the dick between your legs.
Or the dick that composes your masculinity.
I was taught what to do in a situation of sexual predacy but nobody is ever taught not to be sexual predators
A weather prediction
Of sick intention
I am tired of your dick being what my self esteem would need.
I'm tired of opinions that nobody needs
Except maybe that one girl because she doesn't deserve to be happy
See what I mean
Why can't we just stay quiet if we have nothing nice to say
It's better than being the ones to end lives today.
Ha this poem is a piece of shiles
Anyways how the heck are ya

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