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Long cascading hair
Always tangled in knots
Always, very, obviously, there
My chest
Larger than I care to admit
Bind it down unsafely
I'll never truly get rid of it
My femininity
A result of my gods being the enemy
The end of me
Everyone can see
What's on the outside
Excluding me
Every mirror, a carnival distortion
Every portion of my skin, not feeling like mine
My delicate hands and thing arms write while I feel like time is suffocating me
Counting down the days till doom
I hear pronouns repeating in my head
She she she she she
One letter away from being right
They say the key to healthy living is to be happy
But that's not a possibility
When my mind and body will never fall in sync
My key to happy living is sleep
atleast when I'm then in my dreams I can be who I want to be
Heaven is alive on my sheets
And he** swallows me whole when I awake
And if I become who I want to
Who I need to
Who I really am
I am afraid I'll be just another success story
So strong
So handsome
Their validation would imminently become invalidation as they comment on my bravery
Or maybe people will give me strange looks
Call me a liar
Queer culture would envelop my identity
Because being human means less
When you go through a surgery
My hair is tangled around my neck
And I

Not at all about me by the way I wanted to try to write about something that wasn't centered on me for once so that's what this is I'm sorry that it's kinda gross ❤️

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