"What if this doesn't work?" Corey asked.

"It will. But, if it doesn't...I have a plan B." Veronica answered. 


The night continued, uneventful. Until Nathan showed up, grabbing Liam and slamming him against the wall. He was upset that he had stolen his big party. 

"I didn't think you'd be mad." Liam answered. 

"Let him go, Nathan." Veronica told them once she reached the two, Mason not far behind. But he didn't even look in her direction. 

"How'd you think I'd take it?" he asked angrily.

"In hundreds." Mason said, holding up hundred dollar bills. 

Nathan took the money without hesitation after letting go of Liam, and walked away into the crowd cheering. Veronica looked over at Liam, making sure he was okay and then returned to where she had been earlier to keep an eye on Gwen who had arrived not long ago. 

"I'm starting to think this wasn't a good idea." Liam admitted to his best friend.

"Scott told us to do whatever it takes to keep Gwen safe." Mason reassured his best friend as he took a jar of Mountain Ash and lined the doorway with it. 


Liam walked through the crowd of tipsy teenagers as he scanned the crowd for Veronica. He spotted her standing by the kitchen counter, a red cup in her hand. Her eyes were focused on Gwen. 

Liam made his way over to her, and when she saw him she couldn't help but smile. "Hey." she greeted him as she pulled him close. Liam placed his hands on her hips and pulled her even closer, his lips meeting hers. He could taste the liquor on her lips as he kissed her. After a while she pulled away and looked into his eyes. She was and always would be mesmerized by them. She looked down at her cup. "I would offer you some, but..."

"Alcohol doesn't work on us." Liam said, finishing her sentence. 

"Yeah." she said, scrunching her nose. Something she would do that Liam found adorable.

"Where's Gwen?" he asked.

"Over there. Talking to everyone but me." Veronica answered, sounding defeated. 

"Well, at least the Ghost Riders haven't showed up." Liam said, making Veronica smile.

"Yeah, and I've been surprisingly enjoying myself." she admitted. She didn't think she would enjoy the night because of the Ghost Riders, but their absence made for an enjoyable party. At least, so far.

"Anything to do with what's in that cup?" Liam asked, laughing lightly.

Veronica laughed as well, but shook her head as she placed the cup on the counter. "I think it's got more to do with you." she said, pulling him in for another kiss. When they pulled away, she looked over Liam's shoulder to check on Gwen and saw her walking out of the kitchen into the living room. "I should go." she said, following her out into the living room. She passed by Mason and Corey dancing together as she followed Gwen up the stairs.


Liam was downstairs when he heard Gwens screams, he was about to storm up the stairs to where she was with Veronica when she saw them racing down the stairs. Gwen ran right into him. "What's wrong?" he asked her.

"I saw him." she said, clearly terrified. Veronica stood right behind Gwen, and Liam turned to look at her. Gwen turned back to the stairs and her eyes widened. "He's right there! Don't you see him?" she asked but neither Liam or Veronica saw the Ghost Rider.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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