Chapter 21

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Ellie's POV

"Jace send Clary a picture of your block rune before they try tracking her." I tell him and turn back to Izzy after getting changed and coming out of my room.

"Were going to get him Iz its going to be okay." I say hugging her and she just nods into my shoulder.

"Okay Clary is safe." Jace says coming back into the living room. I let Izzy go and turn to Magnus.

"You ready?" He nods and creates a portal to the institute. We all jump through  landing in my room at the institute. "It's now or never. Magnus Alec's in the office which is down the hall and to the left, fourth door on the left." I tell him and he nods about to leave. "Magnus wait." I walk over to him and hug him. "Thank you." I whisper 

"Anything for you Elizabeth Lovelace." He whispers hugging me back before letting go and walking out of the room. I watch the door close then turn to Jace and Iz, "Alright our turn. To the training room." I smirk and walk out of my room with them following. We arrive to the room getting to position. "Isabelle you got the entrance." she nods and me and Jace walk to the safe.


Magnus' POV

I am standing outside the office taking a minute realizing I'm about to steal from my ex-boyfriend and Elizabeth's only love. I let out a breath and open a one way looking portal, as it opens I see Alec taping up his forsaken wound again. Focusing I snap my fingers and watch his stele disappear, I pull my phone out so I can know when I need to transport it back. I look back into the hole and study Alec more than I ever have. He is a pretty boy, he has a smart brain most of the time, seems like the right fit for Ellie. I swear to god though if he hurts my Muffin in anyway he's going to find himself somewhere he doesn't want to be. Just then my phone vibrates from a text from El.

From: Muffin

We got it thanks Mag you can put the stele back.

I look back up and Alec is starting to move so I quickly snap my fingers just as he grabs his jacket heading to the door. This is going to be a close one, I close the portal and pretend that I am just putting up the wards even though I've already done the office.

"All done for the day." I say and look to him. "Place is secure. Not bad for a days work" I start walking with him. "I thought I'd see how you were doing." He stops and stands in front of me.

"I meant to thank you for your advice." I am confused because I don't recall what advice he is talking about. "About the whole... "Follow your heart" thing" Ah yes that advice.

"Oh well what can I say?" I chuckle. "I have a deep understanding of the human psyche. At least that's what Freud always said." I told him that to tell Elizabeth, well Jamie how he felt, sounds like he did.

"I'm getting married." He says suddenly.

"Woah!" I say surprised "Its a tad sudden don't you think." They just got together shouldn't they go on a date at least. "You two should at least go to dinner first-" I laugh.

"No, Magnus, family is everything to me, you have to know that." He says.

"I get it you and her both. You've both gone through a lot for your family." I say talking about Elizabeth. "You're part of a "Don't ask, don't tell" culture. She's fine with it. You're a traditional guy." 

"Yeah, I am." He stares at me. "That's why I proposed to Lydia." As soon as he said those words my heart broke from Elizabeth. She has been through so much this must have killed her. That explains why she wasn't completely herself recently, closed off even around me.

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