A Week at Hogwarts

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Just a filler. I am sorry. I think I may make the reunion like three or four chapters, but I'm not sure. Tell me what you think!

Olive's POV

Fred, George, and I walk along the train trying to find an empty compartment. We find one. It was located at the end of the train. Inside, sat one kid. She had fiery red hair, freckles, and wore a red jumper.

I push it open, and ask, "Is this seat empty, every where else is full?"

"Sure. Have a seat. I'm Hermione Weasley," the girl says.

"Um. Hi, I am Olive. This Fred and George. We are triplets."

"You are the first ones not to comment on my name. Daddy was in love with her, so he named me after her."

"So, you're the daughter of Ron and..."

"Lavender Brown."

We talk for the rest of the train ride, eating candy and pulling pranks.

When we arrive at Hogwarts, we get off, already in our robes, and head off to the black lake.

We get there and we are in a boat with Hermione.


"So, what house do you think you'll be in? Personally, I think I'll be in Gryffindor since both of my parents were in Gryffindor," Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure. My mum was a Gryffindor, but my dad was a Slytherin. My oldest sister was a Gryffindor. But her twin brother was a Slytherin. My second oldest sister is a Ravenclaw. But her twin sister is s Hufflepuff. My 14 year old brother is a Slytherin. So, I have on idea," I finish.

"Whoa. Did your dad disown your sisters?"

"Why would he do that?" George speaks up.

"Because..." but she was cut off by our first view off the castle.

Time Turner to the sorting of three Malfoys.

"Fred Malfoy," Pavarti Patil called from the front of the Great Hall.

Fred walked up and sat down on the stool

After a few minutes it yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!"

He hopped up, and walked down to the table.

"George Malfoy."

"GRYFFINDOR!" it yelled almost immediately.

"Olive Malfoy."

I walk up to the stool and sit down. All of a sudden a small voice appears in my head.

Hello. Hmm another Malfoy. My first thought is Slytherin, but your intelligence forces me to think of something else.

What do you mean?

You have a lot more intelligence and curiosity than almost any of your siblings, apart from your sister, Bella. Yes it's all here. I know that you don't want to leave your siblings, but I know that you'll do best in Ravenclaw.


No buts. I should consider the other houses first though, so here we go. You are very kind, but your creativity is greater than that. You have a great amount of courage and bravery, but once again, your intelligence tops that. Same with Slytherin.

So my decision is...


I slowly walk over and sit down next to Bella.

"Congratulations on getting into Ravenclaw. I am the Head Girl, Bella Malfoy," she stated smiling like a madman.

"Really sis?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to make a big deal about it so I only told Dora."

"I thought you loved being the center of attention?"

"May the feast begin," Headmaster Longbottom said to the Great Hall.

I gasped at the food and ate almost everything in reach of me.

We walked up to the Common Room. Unlike the other Houses, in order to get into our common room you have to answer a riddle.

"I'm there once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?" the knocker asked.

"Hmmm. I cannot seem to think of the answer. Why don't We work together to try and solve it?" she suggests.

So, we all gather around, the knocker occasionally giving hints.

"Well, there is an m in minute," I began, " and two m's in moment, but there isn't a single m in the words 'a thousand years'. So, then the answer is the letter m. "

The knocker nods and a doors appears.

We walked  in and gaped at the pure amazingness of the Common Room.

"Alright, we have a little time before you guys should be getting to bed, so you'll ask whatever questions you need to."

I didn't listen to the questions and instead looked around the room.

The ceiling was high-ish. A large bookshelf was over to one side. On the other side, there were two doors and two staircases.

Eventually, Bella made us go to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was put like a light.
I woke up the next day when the special alarm clock mum got me went off.

I got up, showered, got dressed, grabbed a book, and went down to breakfast.

I went down and sat down with Bella in the center of the Ravenclaw table. Towards the end of breakfast, professor Flitwick walked around and handed out the schedules for the Ravenclaws.

"Cool, I have Professor Longbottom first and then I have Professor Flitwick," I say to Bella.

"Nice schedule, sis," she replies.

The week leading up to the reunion goes by much more quickly than I would have liked.

The Friday before the reunion, mum sent me a new dress. She said it was a new one that she had been working on.

"Woah, nice dress, Olive. Who sent it to you?"  Charlotte, my new friend, asked in awe.

"My mum. She runs that fashion company called H.G.M. She prefers her kids to be well dressed."

"Cool, I can't wait to meet her. See you in class, Olive."

Edited and changed: 1/09/18
I changed the riddle part.

Hogwarts Reunion: 25 Years LaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora