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Hermione POV

Ten years later

Draco and I were in the library when Poppy the house elf apparated in.

"Mistress and Master. There be guests in the living room and they is be waiting for you to appear. Poppy needs to be going and finishing making lunch. Good day, miss and mister," the house elf said and left.

"Wonder who that could be?" I wondered aloud as we stood and left.

"It might be the Minister of Magic or one of the Potters. Who knows?" Draco replied.

The minister said that he needed to come by one day to discuss putting our village on the map. Since the reunion, we have added the Potter mansion, four Weasley mansions, one for Fred, George, Molly and Arthur, and Bill and Fleur, along with a house for each of our kids and their spouses. We also added a village with a hospital, and filled it with wizards and witches who needed a place to live and work.

We walked down the stairs of our mansion only meeting our fifteen year old daughter, Luna Minerva.

We finally got to the living room and entered. Inside we saw a back looking out the window at our beautiful endless grounds.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?" Draco asked, politely.

"I am here to tell you that you have been approved. You will be going on the map as one of the only all wizarding communities. Congratulations!" The man said, in a thick French accent.

"Thank you. Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes. I really should be going. Lots more meetings and paperwork to do. See you later."  

"Alright then. Good day, Minister."

He left and slammed the large French door behind him.

"We have to tell the village. You know what we should do, Draco?" I asked as I turned to him.

"What, dear?" he asked.

"We should throw a ball. Tomorrow night?" I pleaded.

"I don't know..."

"Please. It could be fun. We could dance, celebrate, and eat plenty of elegant food. Please, Draco?"

"Do you really want to do this, dear?"

"Yes, Draco. I really want to do this."

He sighed, "Fine. Yes, dear, we will have a ball to commemorate this wondrous occasion."

"Thank you, Draco. We need to get planning. What should the theme be?"

"Oh no. I will not be helping plan this ball that was your idea. If you need me, and I hope that you will not, I will be in the library. Have fun," he said before walking away and the stairs.

"I need help. Ginny," I said aloud, as my ten year old daughter, Kacy Ginerva walked in talking on the muggle cell phone I got her.

"Yeah. Bella, slow down. Mum's right here if you would like to talk to her. Okay?" she handed me the phone with a distressed Bella on the other side. Bella became a worker in the Department of Mysteries. She also married James two years after they graduated.

"Bella, sweetie, it's mum. What's wrong?" I asked, gently.

"Mum, as you know, I am pregnant."


"And mum, James is at work..." James works as an Auror for the French Ministry.


"Mum, my water broke I need you here, NOW!"

"Bella, why didn't you say that to begin with. I'm on my way." And with that, I apparated to her home.

"Bella, mummy's right here. What is one of your house elves name's?"

"BLINKY!" She screeched.

"Yes, misses. Blinky be here for mistress. What would mistress's mum be needing?"

"I need you to go and get one of the Potter cars and bring it out front. Then, I need you to drive us to the hospital in the village. You got that?"

"Yes. Blinky will be getting started."

I helped Bella stand and steady herself on her feet. 

"Come, dear. Blinky has probably already pulled up one of the cars. We need to go. How about I levitate you out to the car, how does that sound?" I asked, pulling out my wand.


I murmured the incantation and up she went. We walked out the front door and I placed her in the back seat as I took the front. I drove us to the hospital where Draco and Clem worked.

I pulled up and took her inside. "I NEED A HEALER OUT HERE!" I screeched.

"Mum. What are you doin..." Clem came out and quickly caught on and conjured a stretcher. I took my cell out of my pocket and called James. "James?"

"Mrs. Malfoy? What's wrong?" he asked, worridly.

"Bella's water broke and is having the baby. She needs you here."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Next, I called Draco.

"Hello," he drawled.


"Honey, what's wrong?" he asked, worridly.

"Bella's water broke and the baby is coming."

"Hermione. Does this mean that I am going to be a grandfather?"

"Yes, Draco, it does. Now, when are you coming?" I asked, turning back to the task at hand.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, but I am in a very important meeting..."
"Meeting? I thought you were going to the library? And is this so called meeting more important than seeing your first born grandchild. And Draco, your next words could decide your future. I won't divorce you, but the living room couch could use some company."

"No, of course not, honey. I will be right over." He turned to the other men in the meeting room and said, "Men, I am very sorry to say this, but my daughter is about to give birth and I need to be there. When is a good time for you all to reschedule?"

All I heard was muffled, incoherent words and phrases.

"Alright Tuesday it is then. Hermione, I'll be right there."

"Hurry!" I yelled into the phone.

I walked back inside and went to find out how my daughter was.


Hello! I am sorry about this! I was actually going to end it much earlier. I am working on a sequel as you read this. This story had 2,000 READS! WHAT? I remember beginning this and thinking, I bet no one reads this and everyone thinks that it is crap.  Thank you for reading this and I will post an update when the sequel is published, but I predict that that won't happen until about Christmas, maybe sooner if I get enough comments for it. For now, I'm gonna focus on "The Lonely Band Geek." I am working really hard on this. Happy early Halloween to all and to all a frightful night.

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