A Day in the Life of the Malfoys

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Hermione POV

I awoke one morning to my rambunctious 5 year old, Luna, jumping on my bed.

"MUMMY! Fred played a prank on me and it turned my hair pink with purple polka dots," she shrieked. I finally woke up enough to see her hair. It was indeed, pink with purple polka dots.  I turned and glanced at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was only 7:38 AM.

"I'm sorry he did that sweetie. Here. Let me fix that." I wordlessly changed her hair back to normal. I picked her up and put her on my hip. "Come on. Let's go and get some breakfast. How about double chocolate chip pancakes. Maybe you, me, Olive, Dora, Bella, and Clem could have some fun today. I have some news that I still need to tell daddy."

"What did you need to tell me, darling?" a voice said as a pair of strong arms wrapped around my petite waist.

"Good Morning, Draco. How did you sleep?" I asked.

"I slept well. How about you?" he asked me, as we walked down to the kitchen.

"Wonderfully, until this little one ran into our room with her hair dyed a different color."


"Fred played a prank where he changed the color my hair," Luna huffed, still on my hip.

"Don't worry dear. He will be punished." Draco rushed down to the kitchen ahead of me.

"Come on. Let's go get those pancakes." We continued walking to the kitchen and saw that Dora and and Bella were already there, eating toast.

"Good Morning, mum. Good Morning, Luna," they said in unison.

"Good Morning, girls. How about we have some double chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast? And then we, the females, could have some fun today?"

"That sounds like a blast, mum. Here, I'll hold Luna..." Bella started.

"And I'll help you make pancakes," Dora finished.

"Thank you. I have some news, and I still need to tell dad."

"Tell me what?" Draco asked walking into the kitchen.

"Did you find Fred?"

"What did he do this time?" Draco Junior asked walking into the kitchen.

"He made my hair pink with purple polka dots," Luna huffed still on Bella's hip.

"Yes I found him. I took away all of his pranking supplies and said that he has to degnome the garden everyday for a whole month," Draco said.

"Dad, do want some pancakes. They're double chocolate chip," Bella said.

Once the pancakes were done, my whole family was in my kitchen. Even Clem and Liam.

All too soon, Liam, Draco, and Clem had to go to work. So, I had to entertain my other kids.

I heard a crack in my kitchen. I rushed in to see Blaise, Astoia, Pansy, Theo, Neville, and Luna.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?"

Their reply was cut off by Luna Minerva and Percy screaming.


I dashed into my dining room, my wand out, thinking that there was a burglar only to find that George and Olive had played a prank and it had completely covered my kitchen in an oozing green goop.

"What did you do?" I asked, in a dangerously calm voice.

"I'm sorry, mum. It was just supposed to get on they're head and pancakes. Not the whole room," Olive quickly explained.

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