Chapter 25: Candy

Start from the beginning

"Well I must not be that bad because you're eating me," he retorted.

I glared at him before continuing to look through the candies, eventually stopping to try one or add one to my bag.

I stumbled upon the blue raspberry twizzlers.

"Oh my gosh! I love these!" I said, picking up the thing you used to transfer the food from the container to your bag. Or in this case, my tummy. In Malibu, they really didn't care. The employees here just worked for a discount on the candy. Nothing else, really. I then took a few more, stuffing them in my bag that was about to burst.

"You need a new bag," Asher told me as he grabbed another and handed it to me.

I took it gladly. "Thanks."

"I thought you hated twizzlers," he added.

"Yea, regular twizzlers. But I can't hate blue raspberries!" I told him as I took another bite of the licorice.

"You like everything blue," I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see Gabe staring at me, a smirk on his face.

"Do you just go to places with candy hoping I'll show up?" I asked him.

"Seems to work, doesn't it?" he asked with a smile.

I shrugged as I continued to look through the candy.

I took a ring pop- blue raspberry obviously!- and shoved it in the bag.

"Remember these?" Gabe asked as he handed me a pixie stick.

"YES!" I practically screamed as I grabbed five.

We always used to have contests to see who could finish theirs the fastest. I won most of the times. I loved sugar. But sometimes Gabe won. Most of the times he won, I'd let him win but other times, it was just pure luck.

I grabbed two boxes of milk duds, one of reese's pieces, another of sour patch, and a bag of neon sour gummy worms, and a bar of crunch, and hershey's chocolate before walking up to the cash register.

The worker looked at me and smiled. "Five dollars."

I almost choked. Five dollars for all of this? I freaking loved Malibu!

"I'll be right back," I said before hurrying away and grabbing tons of other candies.

In the end, I spent fifteen dollars and had a huge bag full of sweets and cavities waiting to happen.

Asher and Gabe had gotten some candy, too, but obviously not as much as me.

Asher had only spent about a dollar and Gabe had only spent about three bucks. Like I said, the employees really don't care whether or not they get a lot of money. And neither would I if I had that job! I'd just go around eating candy all day long. Then again, I'd probably get fat and end up throwing up a ton for eating so much candy in one day.

I then decided to set a limit for how much candy to have in one day. Then I decided against it and figured I'd just tell myself when to stop.

Walking out of the candy shop doors, I popped a blue raspberry jolly rancher in my mouth and grinned. "Mmm, blue."

Gabe rolled his eyes and laughed as Asher continued to give him death glares.

"I'm so not buying plane food! It's a good thing I have two suitcases and one of them is only partly filled. I made sure to leave room for whatever I bought on the trip. Boy, am I smart. God must've known I was coming here. But I swear, airport security better not take this candy away from me."

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