Story 2 - Reality Is Not So Far Away

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And in that moment I realised my mistake, what was going to happen now since I placed myself in the corner of the room. I'd cornered myself, my plan to escape had failed, and my surrounding audience? Either too drunk or too busy dancing to notice, and even if I did scream the music would drown out my piercing scream. All that was left to do was to wait for the kiss of death. 

I steadied my breath, deep breaths, relax, calm, happy thoughts; I repeated to myself. I didn't take notice of my surroundings I just kept my eyes on my hands. Was I capable? Was I strong enough to take a defensive swing? My only answer? We'll soon find out.  

"Hello Sam, can we chat?" his voice was like my breathing; quick and muffled. I raised an eyebrow, than slowly lowered it; I knew what he wanted, the outcome, I knew I'd hate myself and I probably wouldn't be the only one either. 

"Look Rick" I began taking a deep breath during my pause, I couldn't help noticing the clothes he was wearing; the ones I used to love best on him, now just the sight made my stomach lurch. I began again; "I haven't got time. And to be honest I really don't care, nor do I want to hear this." My courage began to rise just by my words. "So excuse me." I concluded my tone and speech more composed. I straightened my stance and took a step forward, a step away from Rick, hopefully forever.  

Until he put his arm out cornering me further against the wall. He places his arms either side of me against the wall casually, as if this was exactly what I wanted. His breath however was now quicker, his eyes darker causing the little courage I had gained to flee. 

I noticed that ducking under his arms wouldn't work unless I kicked him somewhere it would hurt or if I prodded out his eyes, although that didn't sound too appealing. As I thought out a plan he began to speak; "I'm sorry. Look, I still want you babe. I swear I've changed." His words brought me back to the surface as well as my anger. 

"Right. I know, I can see that. Since red heads are your new fad instead of blondes. Right? Babe?" I spat back harshly, he winced at my words and I repressed the urge to roll my eyes; as if that hurt, it was nothing compared to what he'd inflicted onto me.  

"Look me and Sarah? It's over. It was an....accident, a mistake." I barked a short bark of laughter, I don't know what came over me but I couldn't help it. 

"Really? By the appearance of things when I walked in it looked to only be just getting started." I countered back. "Now excuse me." I said flicking my blonde hair back out of my eyes, and that when I saw it, the anger.  

"Not so fast Sam, we're not done yet." If my confident self was here right than I would of snapped back with some snide remark or laughed, but I wasn't confident I was far from it, and I felt even smaller when he pushed forward leaving no space between us as he pressed up against me. Inside I sighed; here it comes. 

"Touch me and I'll-" 

"Sam, you know you want me." he cut over me he said pressing in closer his face inches from mine, my lips. I scrunched my eyes shut tight with force waiting for the collision. I could now feel his breath on my bare and naked neck, I shivered.  

At that exact moment his cold body was gone. Not thinking I flung my hands over my eyes and face and slid down the wall to the ground shielding myself from any type of collision.  

As I blanked out the sound in a daze my mind spiralled with questions; whats happening? Did someone pull him aside? Had he changed his mind? Was I safe? This wasn't supposed to happen, it just wasn't.  

Think happy thoughts I commanded to myself. 

A voice whispered in my ear tickling my skin, I couldn't make out the words but I knew it wasn't Rick, the voice was warm and beautiful and it was a voice I loved so much; Brent's voice. 

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