4.3 truth

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That day has finally arrived. The last day of the school. The day of school's celebration. The day when i will see Hansol, Maya, Moonbin and all my dear people for the last time.

'What am i gonna do without you?' Hansol asked me while we were getting ready in classroom next to the stage room. 'You'll forget me,i know. You'll find someone and be happy.' I told him with sad expression. He just hugged me tightly and sighed deeply. 'I'm gonna miss you.' In that moment teacher came inside the classroom. 'Hansol,can you please come here?' Hansol nodded and he left the room. As long as he left the room Kira and Maya came inside the room. Maya already had tears in her eyes. 'Where are you going tomorrow?' Kira asked me. 'I'm going to America.' I said and Maya winked at me. 'godmother,huh?' I hit her arm playfully. 'I realized something. If he's going to be happy with her,then i have nothing to do. I will just let him go.' Just when i said that Minghao entered the room and hugged Maya. 'We need to go now,bye Mika,good luck.' He pulled Maya's hand and they left the classroom. Kira followed them. When i was again alone in the room, i grabbed my phone. I looked at my messages,hoping to find chat with 'Vernon'. After few minutes i found it and quickly unblocked him. I took deep breath and started writing. My hands were shaking while i was writing long message to my stalker.


As you know,i'm going away tomorrow. Thank you for stopping sending me messages these few months. At first,i really loved you. I sometimes imaged how you look like, when i was in my bed. But then, all my hopes that i will meet you faded away. I was so hurt because you didn't tell me not even your nickname. I thought i mean something to you,but i was wrong. Then,i decided to stop every contact that i have with you. But today,i pray that you will come to school's ceremony and see me. Even thought i won't see you,i would be happy because i know that you're here. After i move to Japan,please stop contacting me. I want you to find someone else,who will love you and to be happy with that person. I won't block you anymore,so if you ever need me i will always be here for you.

Lots of love, Mika.

I took deep breath and sent that message. Tears were already falling from my face. Just then,i heard something beeping from Hansol's phone. Did he got message?

When i was about to check his phone,i heard footsteps coming toward the classroom. I turned around and saw Mark,Taeil and Sehun. 'We need to hurry,we just want to wish you luck.' Taeil said. They gave me long group hug. 'Thank you guys so much.' 'Message us whenever you want. We will message you when we come to Japan,okay?' Mark said,and i nodded. I started crying when i looked at their handsome faces. 'Don't cry Mika.' Sehun said and hugged me. 'I will miss you guys.' I told them. 'Mika,it's your turn on the stage.' Moonbin called my name as he entered the room. 'Already?' I looked at him and he nodded his head. Taeil,Mark and Sehun quickly left the room as well as Moonbin.

I will go,i just need to check Hansol's phone- i told myself.

Now there wasn't nobody who could stop me from doing that.

When i grabbed his hand i saw contact's name. 'love of my life'

Who's that love of his life?

I quickly opened the message and saw the same message as i sent to my stalker.

His phone fall from my hands on the floor. I just stayed here,speechless. My whole body was shaking. I was loosing my breath.

So,the whole time....it was him. He, Hansol Chwe,is my stalker.

Stalker | chwe hansolWhere stories live. Discover now