Two Surprises

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Standing in front of me was none other than a clown. I hate these things. I coward into Demi and it got closer in an effort to make me laugh. Demi sensed the fear in me and picked me up. "D-Demi C-can we go home please?" I asked. "Why what's why wrong baby?" Demi replied sounding concerned. "I-I-I- don't like" I didn't want to sound like a baby on the first day so I quickly changed my excuse "- I mean I don't feel good" "aww babygirl, I just need to get a few things and we can go home okay?" Demi said. We walked off towards Top Shop so Demi could buy a few things for her sisters birthday. The clown was following ever too closely behind us, almost like it was watching us but Demi hadn't seemed to notice yet. I tugged on her trouser leg "D-demi can I hold your hand?" I asked feeling very scared. "Of course Sierra, come here" She said bringing me close. I felt safer when I was with Demi, like nothing could go wrong. That was until something jumped out from around the corner and grabbed me out of Demi's grasp. "Ahhhh Demi Demi Demi" I screamed in an effort to draw attention to us. "Oh My God! Sierra!!! Help! Help, somebody help!!" I heard Demi scream before taking off chasing after us. I turned around to look the clown in the face and it was a familiar face. It was my sister. My DEAD Sister.


Demi's P.O.V

Sierra had been slightly off since we saw the clown in the lobby of the mall and she said she didn't feel too good so I made sure to be quick with the shopping. She was walking very closely to my legs which worried me slightly. Maybe it was the fever taking. I was looking at a maxi dress for Dallas when I heard the screams of my little girl

"ahhhhhh Demi Demi Demi" Sierra cried. "Oh my god somebody help!" I screamed before taking off running after them. They took a sharp left around the back of the mall and continued running down the street until they reached a dead end. By now at least 5 police cars surrounded the area. I could hear Sierra's cries over the police sirens. I was crying too. Some mom you are Demi. Lost your daughter on the first day, way to go! Said the voices in my head "No go away" I said out loud earning a strange look for the police officer next to me. I smiled at him best I could and gave him my best "I'm not crazy" look, which didn't even convince me let alone another person.

After 15 minutes of convincing the police got my baby girl off of the "clown" and took her away in their police car. The police handed Sierra back to me. I picked her up and cuddled her right into my arms. She was crying hysterically and shaking like mad. "It's okay sweetheart, it's okay" I soothed. I carried my beautiful baby back to the car as she slept in my arms, she'd been warn out the poor thing. All I wanted to do now was get into bed, and cuddle with my daughter. "Miss Lovato, police will be in contact tomorrow to make a statement okay?" Said a bold looking police man with that "don't mess with me look" about him. I just nodded "thank you so much officer"


Sierra's P.O.V

The clown, also known as my dead sister Callie held me down in the corner of the alley and the police officers tried to convince her to hand me back. I was so scared, I couldn't cry or move it was like I was frozen to the spot. After 10 minutes of getting no where the police lunged forward and jumped on Callie, pinning her to the floor. A particularly large police man picked me up and ran off up the alley far away from Callie. We were heading towards Demi. She was crying and shaking hysterically. Once we arrived back near Demi, she picked me up and squeezed me tight That's when I let the tears fall, I couldn't stop crying or shaking. Demi spoke softly in my ear "it's okay sweetheart, it's okay" I nuzzled into Demi's shoulder and somehow fell asleep


Demi's P.O.V

It had been a long day, and even though it was only 8:30 I decided we were going home and going to bed

My phone beeped as I was strapping a sleeping Sierra into her car seat.

1 New Message

From "Nick

Hey Dems, you free tonight? X

Reading this made my heart flutter, I'd had a crush on Nick for a few months now and I still got nervous everyone he was around.

After pondering on how to reply for a few minutes I decided on:

To Nick: I'd love to but my daughters sleeping, she had a tough day, how about Wednesday? x

Literally seconds after I sent the message I got a reply


That's who I forgot to tell ...Shit

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