Just a little too observant

Start from the beginning

"What?" He called back in the same unamused tone of voice. "Did you clean in here? I can't find half my stuff." I chuckled off. Paul got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, "You know I don't clean up after myself. Elena was up here a few hours ago." I nodded my head, "Can you go check the bathroom downstairs for me?" I ask, "Please." 

He made a stink face, "Can't you walk downstairs by yourself?" He moaned. Since the nomination this morning he's been acting like a couch potato. "Do you want the rest of the house to see me with these lips?" I point to my mouth again, making him smile softly. He finally gave up and agreed, but wanted a kiss for it, "Yeah- You really need that chap-stick." He teased before walking out of the room.

"You two are showmance goals." Alex said, sipping on her can of Coke.I looked down a little and smiled, "You think CBS would give us our own spin off? Maybe recruit us for the Amazing Race?" I said half jokingly. Jason and Kevin fell into the laughter, but Kevin said he was off to do laundry, leaving the population down to three.

"Look what I found." Paul announced, walking through the door with my lip balm in hand and Ramses behind him. He tossed the lip balm across the room and crawled right back into the bed, this removing his shirt and tossing it into the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed that he had been meaning to do something with. 

I opened the cap of the small green sphere, "Just the person I wanted to talk to." I said, running the balm across my lips. "I'm just gonna cut to the chase, you have to throw the Veto this week." I say, placing the object in my hand on the bedside table and and crawling in next to Paul. "We need to get Cody out and if you take yourself down, everyone gets screwed over again this week. Then what will happen?" I state the obvious. "You're obviously not the target, but to make sure we get Cody out this week, it has to be one of us to hold the Veto." Paul said, taking over for me.

"Okay, I understand." Ramses nodded his head, "I'll do whatever I can to throw it." He confirmed. "I think we all understand why you chose to do what you did, and I respect you for it. I think it was a smart move on your part." I try to comfort him. "But your one smart move could screw everything up." I remind him. 

No sense in trying to comfort Ramses. I don't really trust him all that much and I really want him to know that he could flip the whole house against him if he messes up this week.

"Sounds good to me." He said, starting to show that he was a little nervous. 

Paul in the dr: I know that Lia is super skeptical about Ramses and she doesn't trust him all too much, so I'm letting her talk Ramses up. She insanely good with her words and Ramses almost looks scared of her at this point. I think I'm gonna let my girl wear the HOH key for this one.


"Hey everybody it's time to pick players for the Veto competition!" Paul's voice rings through the house like a gong. Once everyone was gathered in the living room Paul started the selection, "The players in this weeks Veto competition will be the HOH, the three nominee's and two house guests selected by random draw. As HOH I will select the two names from the box. Will the three nominee's please join me at the front of the room."

This is easily one of the most important Veto's of the summer, and I'm just praying that I can compete in this weeks.

Paul reaches into the box and pulls out a chip. He looks at it for a few seconds then turns the chip to show the house guest's name on it, "Liana!" Paul said. Everyone clapped and cheered for me as I got up and stood beside Josh at the front of the room. Paul pulled out another chip form the box and called Elena to the front of the room.

"Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin, good luck house guests!" Paul said before taking the box into the storage room. I waited back in the kitchen for him, but got side tracked by a craving for the Doritos's I left on the bed upstairs.

Little Kirby (BB19)Where stories live. Discover now