Could I predict the future?

I shook my head, I wasn't that crazy.

I smile, "Sure, I'll come over after school gets out," I say.

"Alright, now get your ass in class before I ground you," He snaps out.

I laugh out, "I'll see you tonight," I say before hanging up and shaking my head.

I place my phone back into my pocket and rest my head back against the brick wall when a voice appeared, "You okay?"

I peak open my eyes and look up at Graylen who stood there staring down at me. She changed her hair, it was now different pastel colours that made her blue eyes pop out.

I smile at her, "Hey Blue, I thought you went to class?" I whisper tiredly.

"I did, but I was too worried about you so I skipped," She says.

She sits down next to me and I rest my head against her shoulder, "What's up babydoll?" She asks.

I sigh out, "I'm pretty sure I have a concussion, my life's in shambles, I have two families and I'm pretty sure my best friends a werewolf," I state.

The moment the words left my lips her body grew tense under my head and I smiled lightly, "I knew I smelt something off about you, I could never put my finger on it until now," I state.

She pulls away from me and her eyes glow a bright green, "Calm down," I whisper, "I'm not going to harm you," I whisper and her eyes flash back to blue.

She sits across from me and stares at me, "What are you?" She asks while wrinkling her nose, sniffing me.

I laugh out, when she stops, "All I can smell is blood, O+ to be precise," She whispers and my smile widens.

I pull out my thermos slowly while shaking it, I than push the lid and take a sip before looking back at her, "I'm a vampire," I whisper and her reaction was priceless.

She jumped back away from me while flashing her canines at me, her eyes now that vibrant green again.

I laugh out, "I can't smell you, and you can walk in the sun, it's impossible," She growls out.

I brought a hand down my face, "I'm also a Cala Witch, I control the six elements. Fire, water, earth, air, death and life," I state.

She frowns while staring at me and I flash her a smile, my fangs growing.

"You're eyes are glowing violet, that's unnatural ," She drawls out in shock while continuing to stare at me.

Her eyes change back and she calms down, slowly crawling towards me, "What are you?" She asks again.

I smile, "I'm a Cala Witch Vampire, a supreme if you want," I state, "The witch part covers up the vampire sent and allows me to be a day walker, so I can blend in," I state, playing with my hands nervously.

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