I watch as my brother grinned wickedly at Skeeter, "She's not usually this talkative," Briar says while leaning into me.

I rose an eyebrow, "She doesn't even talk to me this much and I've known her for two years now," Briar says while smiling.

I smile lightly, watching as Asher's eyes light up when she has a comeback to everything he said. I haven't seen his eyes light up like that in a while. Even when he talked about Veronica when they were dating - it seemed like their relationship just became miserable.

"Hey freak show Ilia!" A girl in the front shouts back at me, causing the class to bust out in a fit of giggles.

"Why'd you help murderer boy?" Another student shouted and I felt my cheeks heat as my fingers clutched the edge of my desk tightly.

The weather outside went from sunny to cloudy within seconds and thunder clouds appeared.

Asher coughed out and placed a hand on my shoulder. The gesture didn't go unnoticed either, both Briar and Skeeter looked at me strangely.

He rubs my shoulder slowly and I breathe in deeply, "Calm down Ilia," Asher whispers.

I suck in a breath and stop gripping the desk, my finger tips were bleeding and I hid them under the desk while giving my head a shake.

"I'm fine, thanks bro," I whisper back, looking straight ahead to the front of the class.

I remained silent the rest of the class period, Asher and Skeeter bickered back and forth while Briar was playing on her cellphone.

Once the bell rang I dashed for the door and disappeared into the crowd of students. Next class was gym and there was nothing worse than that class.

Both Isaiah, Ben, Silas and Graylen were in this class.

I walk into the changing rooms and change into my shorts and t shirt before walking out, I notice both Briar and Skeeter were in this class as well.

"Today we're playing dodgeball," Mr. Wells shouted, I gulp down, playing with my hands nervously.

Once the teams were made up I look around, Silas, Graylen, Briar and Isaiah were on the opposing team.

Ben and Skeeter were on my team, they were up front and ready to win while I hid in the back. The coach blew the whistle and that's when the balls started flying.

I never thought I'd say that

I hide behind the other people on my team trying not to get hit, Skeeter threw all ball and it went flying straight for Briars face.

Isaiah jumped in front of her and grabbed the ball in his hand, chucking it at one of my teammates.

I frown while staring at my brother with narrowed eyes.

Another ball flies from Skeeters hand and heads straight for Graylens face when Silas wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her out of the way.

HeavenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant