author's question and answer session 🦄

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question #5: first, how are you? have you ever been given head? do you know i follow your fine ass on instagram? 😩 your favorite song as of recently? do you like art? thoughts on t.i.? apples or oranges? first time ever watching porn? a positive quote you can think of?

answer: i'm well, thank you for asking. 😘

no, i'm a virgin in every way possible. 💕

yes, i know you follow me on instagram because i have your username memorized. 😂

i never really have favorite songs, but probably between need a girl part two, differences, poison, old school, and the fix.

yes, i like art. writing is art.

i don't really have any thoughts on him. 😂 i don't follow him like that.


i was about.. thirteen maybe? 😂😩

a positive quote would be: "be the change you wish to see in the world." 🙏🏾

question #6: who in your life gives you the best advice? do you have any role models? fuck, marry, kill: dejounte, brandon, keith?

answer: God and my mother. 💛

i honestly don't have any role models at the moment. sad to say, i know, but.. everybody's following the wave. nobody's.. different to me right now.. not like BAM, IN YOUR FACE different. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (female wise) the person closest to a "role model" would be Zendaya or SZA.

fuck brandon, marry keith, kill dejounte. 😭

question #7: how do you get so good at writing? what would you like to see more of in stories?

answer: it's a lot of practice. i've always been good at it naturally to be completely real, so it was never a struggle. if you write a lot and read, you'll naturally get better.

i want to see more originality. i see that if one well-known author makes a certain story, y'all want to make something similar. it gets annoying, and it makes me not want to read. call me harsh, but that's the reality of it.

question #8: what's your skin care routine? 😭 do you know that you're sexy as hell? can i eat you out? 🤷🏽‍♀️ what's your favorite book on wattpad? what's your favorite song(s)? can you give me some ideas for a book? i really want to publish one. ☺️

answer: i don't really use anything special. my skin isn't perfect, so.. 😂 i just use black soap, this black mask, coconut butter, and coconut oil.

i don't think i'm sexy, i would honestly rate myself a 7.

you cannot eat me out 💀💀 amour would kill you, lmfao.

tyree - k.p. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now