Chapter 1: The Invitation

Start from the beginning

"I would love to go!" I said with a big smile on my face that started to hurt. "Oh my gosh this will be so, so... um how do you say cold?"

"You mean cool darling." Dad said with a smile.

"Yes, that!" I agreed jumping up and down.

"Well, then it is settled. We will leave tomorrow for Auradon!" Kida exiled hugging her family.

~~~Time Skip to when they arrive at Auradon~~~

I was the first to get out of the thing called a submarine, and I was in shock. I had never seen so many colors, different smells, and overall different clothing. I was even questioned what I was wearing, the dress was comfortable but the shoes... oh the shoes. The shoes made no sense I was still short, and even trip over my own feet because of these shoes. I wanted to look at everything, explore everywhere I could possibly find. Just when I was bout to bolt off to what looked like a castle I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, looking back to see my mom looking down at me with a small smile.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but you need to slow down." Mom told me with dad coming up behind her and giving me the same smile.

"You also need to be careful, not just for dangers but also you could hurt yourself." Dad stated and knowing my dad, he will give a personal example. "Like when I pretty much set the camp on fire when I was looking for Atlantis."

"Well you didn't know the our fireflies can actually cause fires." Kida chuckled and gave dad a kiss on the cheek.

Dad was about to say something when we saw four people coming up to us. Two of them were women; one wearing a yellow dress and a tiara, and the other wearing a sky blue dress with a big bow on the collar holding a wand. The other two were men; one was my age and wearing blue jacket, and the other was wearing a crown on his head and also a blue jacket. I'm guessing the three people that were wearing yellow, blue and crowns were the king, queen, and prince of Auradon but I have no idea of who the other was.

The woman wearing the yellow dressed stepped forward, "Welcome to Auradon. I'm Queen Belle and this is my husband, King Adam, son, Prince Ben, and the headmistress of our school, Fairy Godmother." My guessing was right, apparently.

"Thank you for having us. I'm Milo and this is my wife Kida and our daughter Kali." Dad said shaking hands with everyone and it became an assembly line of handshaking.

"Let us show you around the land and where Kali will be staying for school." Fairy Godmother said leading the way to the castle which apparently was the school.

Ben came up and walked beside me, "So, is this your first time on land?"

"Atlantis was on land, well more in an air-pocket underwater. But if you mean for my first time on actual land above water, than yes it is. But then mom decided to bring us back to the surface." I said while playing with my fingernails, a nasty habit I have when I'm around new people. "But we call this land The Mainland. Sorry, I get the rambling from my dad whenever either of us get nervous."

"You are going to like it here. And if you have any problem or need any help you can come to me, Princess Kali."

"Thank you Prince Ben. But you can call me Kali."

"You can call me Ben." As we were walking through the gardens I noticed that the real castle was behind the school and was bigger than I though, which made me stop in my tracks. Soon my trance was broken by Ben asking a question. "Is it true that the crystal you wear is pretty much your life-source?"

"It's actually the main crystal back home is the source of our lives, if anything bad were to happen to it, me and my people would whither. But this crystal," I showed him mine around my neck, "this is my connection to that crystal, Atlantis and to my parents. If I take it off or if it's taken form me, I'll fall very ill and go into what Dr. Sweet called a coma."

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