sexism and superheros

71 19 11


i am thisclose to losing my shit

i'm taking this documentary filmmaking class, and the instructor is sexist af (i'm the only girl in the class) and he's refusing to believe that i actually know how to use imovie.

like,'s imovie, not rocket science smh.

and even if it was, i could probably do it better than the people in my class.

and i'm not bragging and saying 'oooooh look how smart i am'

no no no

i'm just trying to convey to you the utter stupidity that i will have to be dealing with for
the next week.

but at least i've got a girlfriend who loves me, and my birthday (*cough cough* 'scuse me...OUR birthday) is coming up soon.

total sidenote...i went to see wonder woman and it was FREAKING AWESOME (not spon)

and then because i've got no life...i went to see baby driver.


anyways, that's all of the random crap that i've got for you today.

bye bye

~ skye ♡

(you don't know the amount of self control it took for me to not write 'birdie')

(i hope at least one person gets that reference, or else i'm going to feel like a loser)

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