"I've already started the boundary spell. Now you just need to step back and give me time," Bonnie says shooing is out of the room.

                       I walk outside with Stefan, and Klaus, "You realize this is your fault. You're the reason my mother is free in the first place," Klaus accuses, "I wonder if revenge will be worth the cost?"

"Oh I'm past revenge. As for Esther? We've defeated her before. We'll do it again."

"We're quite the bed-fellows you and I. All of this decades stuff reminds me of our time in the 20's," Klaus motions to the big sign.

"You say that like they were suppose to be happy moments," Stefan laughs.

"There were moments. Real friendship," He raises his brows, "Brotherhood."

"Not to sound territorial, but he's already got a brother," Damon walks u pro the conversation.

"Oh no, of course. The Salvatore's and their unshakable bond," Klaus looks at me, "I'm working on that sort of thing myself."

"Oh please," I groan and walk to the edge of the barrier.

"Is anyone else the least bit interested in who Elena will choose in the end?" Klaus taunts.

"It's done! The boundary spell is broken," Bonnie calls walking out of the school.

I give my brother one final look before speeding along side him, towards our mother.



"Nik, Rebekah, I'm home!" I call out as I enter the house. I had just been with Damon confirming that my mother is dead. Alaric didn't complete the transition into vampirism so Esther's plan failed. My day consisted of snacking on the locals.

Rebekah comes stomping down the stairs with bags in her arms, "I'm leaving."

"What do you mean?" My voice is concerned.

"Alaric is alive, and too much stronger than us. The white oak didn't even faze him, and Nik," She let's out a bitter laugh, "He's willing to stay here and die in an effort to leave with the doppelgänger bitch."

"How is he alive?" My undead heart pounds in my chest.

"It doesn't matter how! Now if you want to stay here be killed brutally, be my guest. I'm leaving, and soon. If you have a brain you'd do good calling me and asking to join me," She glances at me one last time and leaves.


"Well that was quite theatrical. I heard the whole thing earlier," I turn and give my brother a rude glare and walk up the stairs, "What?" He calls laughing.

I yell out in frustration, "I can't do this anymore Niklaus! You trust your own hybrids over our family! Kol, Elijah and Rebekah have all left you and your madness. I believe it is my turn."

"Thea," I roll my eyes. My siblings have used that nickname on occasions, but only when they are about to lecture, or try to talk me out of something, "Thea, I don't think the idea of you-"

"Of me doing what, Niklaus? Living a regular life? Being free of this town and your psychotic ways?" I turn to come face to face with him, "I am sick of you trying to control my life. It needs to stop!"

"I'm not controlling your life, I am simply protecting you. There is too much pain in the world to bare alone. Rebekah has already left, we need to stay together. You'll be safe with me and my hybrids. I can protect you better than even your own self could," He explains, "We can find our siblings and reunite our family again."

"Ugh! When will you realize I'm not the same little girl that was running around the village being completely oblivious to the world? I'm a 1000 year old vampire that has experienced far more than any other being alive! As for protecting me from the pain? Niklaus you are the one causing the pain! Haven't you seen it yet? Our siblings fear you! I've fallen in love twice in my whole existence. Both ended because of you! This is you! It's always been about you!" My chest rises and falls heavily. This has always been about him.

                  I look over at the clock to see it is nearly 2:00 am. Lord help me. I am not going to get any sleep tonight, "Athena..."

                   "Im leaving in the morning. Now get out," My voice cracks.

                   I look up at him, his face filled with pure hurt and rage, "You know that I can't just stop trying to keep you here. I-"

                  "Fine, you won't leave me alone. I will leave right now, " I push past him and begin to walk down the stairs.

"No, you can't just run away again! You can't keep running away from me! I am your family. Always and forever. That's what we promised, what we vowed to honor!" He yells after me, "I will not be left alone!" Yep, he's definitely bipolar.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, I will hate you, always and forever," I say tears running down my face. He's absolutely oblivious to the pain he caused his family. His excuse of protecting me, it's all lies. He just doesn't want me to find happiness elsewhere and leave him forever. In attempts to keep me with him, he's pushed me further away.

He grabs my arm as I open the front door. I turn around to have a dagger shoved into my heart, "I will not lose you again." My body slumps onto the ground and I feel my life slowly slip away, "None of you."

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