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Armatige Hux. General Ginger as I call him. I hate him so much. He is so pompous. The way he walks, the way he wears his jacket without the sleeves, the way he does his bright orange hair. He is so hot, damn it. I had planned this for some time, I asked one of my best friends, Phasma, to give him a note. I already knew his favorite band, call me stalker, but I looked in his locker. He had pictures of me plastered all over the door. Kylo Ren that is, with the rest of the band. But some of the pictures were just me cut out of a magazine. Who's stalker now?
The bell rang again for the next class, and I saw Hux walk over to me, I expected him to slap me, or to berate me like my parents do, but his hard facial expression softened and he hugged me. "Yes." He whispered softly. The note, still in his hand read. 'Hey, I have two backstage passes to the Knights of Ren concert, and I was wondering if you wanted to come. - Ben'.3 more classes passed, and now it was lunch.

Warning! Kylo's sad and depressing thoughts are ahead, as are mentions of self harm. If you are uncomfortable with this, skip to the next bold text. Thank you.

I sat with the rest of the band, and Phasma, even she didn't know I was Kylo. I never really talked unless I was in a good mood, which was never. How long can I keep going on like this? How long can I hide my scars? I should stop cutting, but I deserve it. Why did I ask Hux out? He doesn't love me, he just wants to see the band. How could I be so stupid. Why do my parents hate me? What do I do grandfather? Give me a sign that I am doing the right thing.

As if on cue Hux ran up to me, and sat down with his tray of food. "Hey," he said.
"Hey," I replied. I didn't feel like talking. I never feel like talking.
"So are we, like together now, or what?"
I almost choked on my soda that I smuggled in here. Did he just?... "I guess so."
"If you don't like me like that it's fine, but if you do..." he trailed off. I said hurriedly, "Dude, why do you think I asked you out?"
"I thought you liked Phasma. And why me? It isn't like I deserve you or anything."
"Jeez, I thought I was the Emo one."
A long pause. And Hux finally spoke "Are you picking me up from my house tonight, or what?"
"I thought maybe, you could come with me to my house after school, and we could hang out until we have to leave for the concert."
"I will have to call my parents about that, but I can make that work."
"Nice. Should we call now?"
"Yeah. That's a good idea."
We get up from the table, and pull out our cell phones, and head outside. Once outside of the terribly noisy cafeteria, I dial the number and hold the phone to my ear. It rings, once, twice, three times, "hello?"
"Hey dad, it's me, I was wondering if I could bring a friend over to spend the night after the concert?"
"Let me talk to your mother,(pause) she said its fine. Your uncle Luke can drive you to the concert."
"Thanks dad."
We both hung up at the same time, the one thing we have in common. I glanced over at Hux, he was still on the phone, waiting. "Damn it." he whispered under his breath. He quickly strode over to me, and asked, "Hey, my phone got shut down, can I use yours?"
"Sure," I pulled my phone out and quickly typed in my pass code. I opened the "phone" app, and handed the device to him.
"Thank you." He said. He typed in his parents number and held the phone to his ear. I said, "I'll be inside when you're done." He nodded and I walked briskly back inside. I sat once again at my spot. I could not believe what was happening. I did not think this through properly.

A few minutes later he walked back in, and sat next to me. He handed me my phone, and looked very happy. I didn't need to read his mind, to know what his parents said. "They said yes, did they not?"
"Yes they did! I'm so happy."
I took another bite of my greasy and flavorless pizza. He did too. Then he did something most people do, but different.
"Isn't your last name Solo?"
I glanced at my friends, and they all lowered their force-mind shields and said "do it". All except Phasma, of course. I turned back to Hux, took a deep breath, and replied "Yes."

A/N I know it has been forever since I last updated, I had to edit this segment a lot. I'm sorry the writing is bad, this is loosely based off real experiences, so, yeah. I can sometimes write well, but not all the time. School. It sucks. I hope you like it. Comment, vote, yeah. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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