Fuyu (XI)

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----Yep. Still Natsume's Point Of View----

We stood there waiting for the other to make the first more. "Why are you doing this? What do you have against humans?!" I asked. If I knew why, then I'd have a chance to persuade her to stop.

"You have no right to interfere! Leave this place at once!" she demanded. "Not until you release these people!" Natori combated.

The air around the Nine-Tale Yokai changed. Not just her aura, but the wind around her swished violently to her will.

"I suggest that you leave immediately!" her demand only grew. The wind mussed my hair. It was getting stronger and more intense every moment. But I wasn't about to back down, we had found (Y/N) and I wasn't leaving without her and the other women there.

We stood our ground, we had no intention of leaving. But I have to admit, I was more than intimated. I had never seen a yokai like this before. I tried too think of a plan, but my pondering was useless, my mind blank with anticipation.

'What to do, what to do?' spun continuously around my head. But still, no useful thoughts could reach me. "Very well then," The Nine-Tale said in a calm yet irritated way.

She raised her hand toward me, directing the air my way. I moved my arms to block the whipping almost piercing gust.

"Whoa-!" I yelped surprised. My bag roughly flew behind my back. Its strap prevented it from leaving my side. If it weren't for the strap, it would have flown very far away from me.

"Natsume!" I heard Natori yell in concern. The Nine-Tale stopped her attack. A small gasp was heard from her. It puzzled me. Why would she stop?

"You look just like her..." she glared. She raised her arm at me again, a fierce look in her eye. The Nine-Tale's was about to attack again but there was nothing I could do to stop it from hitting me.

The Nine-Tales had say "she". I was sure of it. Her name was in The Book. But before I could do a thing, I realized I was on the ground. 'Did she get to me already?'

"Natsume!!!" Natori had pushed me out of the way, taking the attack full-on. He had no time to prepare, so he was thrown. His back hit a large tree twenty feet away from where I was sitting.

"Natori!" A loud thud could me heard when Natori made contact with the tall oak tree. He slid down the tree trunk, his head pointed down. I wanted to go to him but I had to do something about the Nine-Tale in front of me.

I quickly got The Book from my satchel, opening it wide. I pictured the Nine-Tale in my head. I whispered the chant, "You who must obey me, show me your name." The Book flipped through its pages until one stood straight up. I grabbed it and put in between my lips. I slapped my hands together and breathed out deeply.

In a swirl, the black ink flew elegantly off the paper. "Amarante, I'm returning your name to you," I said. Her name glided into her forehead. Amarante's face showed shock and surprise. Her memories began to flow into my head.

"Help!" All there was to see was black. Tear-soaked words were all that was left. "Please help us!" A lone image became visible. It was Amarante and an older Nine-Tale yokai. Amarante sat on the side of an old dirt road the other laid.

"Please! My sister is terribly ill! Please give us some food!" Amarante's sorrowful sobs could be heard, but not my the people passing by.

One day tall, beautiful human stood before her. "Let's play a game. If you beat me, I'll let you and your sister eat me, if you don't, you have to give me your name. How about it?" The woman asked.

Transparent (Takashi Natsume x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora