Last Question (VI)

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"Do you have any more questions?" Natsume jokingly asked. "I would hate for you to have to come all the way back to my house just to ask a simple question." Natsume chuckled.

My face got hot. I couldn't tell if he actually didn't want me walk all that way by myself, or if he was just teasing me. I put my hand to my chin in thought. "...I don't think there's anything," I said curiously.

Natsume smiled. There was something about his smile that made my heart throb. I knew it was wrong, but I could help doubting him. 'Is he a yokai playing tricks on me? He's just making a fool out of me isn't he?' those thoughts would occasionally cross my mind.

I wanted, no, I needed him to be real. I would have been torn if he turned out to be an ayakashi. But at the same time, I couldn't care less. I would have stayed with him even if he turned out to be a yokai. Or at last that's what I wanted to think.

"On another note, how long have you lived here?" I curiously asked. "Hmm," he pondered. "Only a few months. But it's been a lot of fun!"

I smiled at the realization that he was a child at heart. He tried to act mature, but at times, his childishness would shine through. I found it refreshing.

"What are your favorite things to do here?" I asked. Natsume thought for a moment before answering. "I," he started. "Can't chose."

He continued, "There are just so many different things that I enjoy. I couldn't possibly chose one or two." "Then name the ones on the top of your head," I said. I pointed to the sky.

"Hmm..." he thought. "I like going fishing, and riding up the mountain. I like taking walks in the woods, and I love hanging out with my friends. So there's no way I could chose one thing over the rest."

"Then I guess you'll have to take me to do all those things, huh?" I smirked. "I suppose I will," Natsume returned my grin. We chuckled together.

"I look forward to it~" I couldn't help but become a grinning fool. Natsume seemed not to mind, as he did the same. I saw a kindling magenta sparkle across Natsume's pale Ivory cheeks.

Silents fell over the two of us. But it wasn't uncomfortable in the least. It was warm and serene. But there was a question weighing on my mind.

"Natsume," I broke the serenity. He peeked over at me, indicating that he was listening. I paused before continuing. "I'm sorry, but I had to ask. ... Do you... really think I'm pretty..?"

Natsume's face was then a deep, dark, crimson shade, which was to be expected. I had just asked an extremely embarrassing question.

"Huh?!" He asked. He couldn't fathom how to answer my cringeworthy question. Natsume panicked, saying anything and everything that came to his mind. "N-no! ...I mean yes! Uh, but not like that! You're pretty, but I don't like you like that! So-"

"Just stop talking, Natsume," Nyanko-Sensei's voice said. We stopped our stride, and looked back to see our Sensei pitter pattering toward us. "Why is your face all red?" Nyanko-Sensei asked curiously.

The maneki-neko waited for an answer from the now crimson Natsume. "N-No reason!" Natsume answered.

Nyanko-Sensei hesitated before continuing. "Let's hurry up and drop her off. Tôko baked a cake for dessert," he yapped.

We talked the rest of the way. It was mostly nonsense you would talk about with friends and family. That is, until I asked another serious question.

"Natsume, is there anyone I should look out for? I'm sorry to ruin the mood, but I thought this would be kinda important," I asked.

Natsume thought for a moment before answering. "Well, you should look out for Hinoe. She loves women. And then there's Hiiragi. If you see her, that means Natori is near by," Natsume stated.

"Who's Natori?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to explain that," Natsume apologized. "Natori is an exorcist. He's not a bad guy, and you can trust him, but..." Natsume stopped. "What is it?" I cluelessly asked.

"He's really annoying," Nyanko-Sensei finished. "Hmm? How so?" "I don't know. He just is. You've never meet him so you wouldn't understand," Natsume sighed.

"Hehe, okay. Anyone else?" I inquired. "Yes," Nyanko-Sensei said. "Who?" I asked. The air turned stale, my escorts face tensed into a sour position.

"Matoba," Natsume scrawled. "... What's wrong with Matoba? Did he do something?" I almost silently asked. "He has done a lot. He's an exorcist. Like Natori. But he uses his yokai servants like replaceable tools. He's selfish and cruel, do stay away from him." I nodded.

"What does he look like?" I asked. "He has black hair and dark eyes. He also has a white eye-patch with black designs over his right eye," Natsume explained. "So promise me you won't get involved with him." He looked at me with hope-filled eyes.

"Of course," I promised. "Good. Those exorcists are nothing but trouble!" Nyanko-Sensei complained. I looked down at him. "Nyanko-Sensei," I called. "What is it?" He asked.

"Did you always have in this maneki-neko form?" I asked. Fire flared in our Sensei's eyes. "Of course not! I have a beautiful form!" Nyanko-Sensei proudly boosted.

"Then how come you're never in it?" I asked. "That's because he was trapped in a maneki-neko for a long time. So long in fact, that he's gotten used to that neko form," Natsume answered for him.

"Hey, Natsume! That's not how it happened!" Sensei lashed out on him. Natsume chuckled. "Oh, really? Then why do you use that form?" Natsume challenged.

"It's none of your business!" Nyanko-Sensei said angrily. Natsume and I laughed together at the now red Sensei. We walked a while longer until we found ourselves at the entrance of the Tanuma house.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," Natsume waved awkwardly. "Yes. Goodnight. I'll see you again soon," I waved goodbye and opened my front door.

"Oh, Natsume." I turn back to Natsume. "Next time, you should come over to have tea with us." He nodded. "That would be great," Natsume smiled sweetly. Crimson spread across his delicate face.

"It's a promise, (Y/N)!"

----To Be Continued----

I'm really stuck on the chapter I'm working on. I have nothing. I know what I want to do with this fanfiction, but the chapter just got away from me. Any ideas? Please help! T^T I know you don't know what chapter I'm working on, but anything could strike some inspiration for me. So basically, anything will work.

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