Searching (VIII)

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[Note: (H/C) = Hair color]

I started to pace in circles. I was completely engulfed in the madness of uncertainty. All I could think about was the necklace I bought and where Natori was.

'Damn it,' I thought. 'Why didn't he give it back to me when he picked it up?! That's what a normal person would have done!'

I then thought for a moment. 'He said he had a job, probably exorcisms. If he knows Natsume, then he may consult with him. If that's so, he might be headed over to the Fujiwara's home right now!' I pieced together. It felt as though a lighting bolt had passed through me.

I stood up at the sudden realization. "I better head there now!' I said and started my sprint to Natsume's residents.

'What am I supposed to do when I get there?' I ask myself. 'What if Natori-San isn't even there? What would I say too Natsume? 'Oh hey, Natsume. I was looking for Natori-San. The guy you told me to stay away from because he's an exorcist and is acquainted with other, more dangerous, exorcist's'?'

I sighed. How could I not? 'I know! I'll go to Natsume's and say that I was worried about Natori-San going over there,' I concluded.

By the time I had reached Natsume's house, I was huffing and puffing. I couldn't seem to catch my breath. I hunched my back, and rested my hands on my knees.

I somehow managed to drag myself to his door. Once I had knocked, I took a deep breath in order to not sound as tried as I was.

The door creaked open, revealing Miss Toukô. "Oh~? (Y/N)? What brings you here?" she asked.

"I was looking for Natsume. Is he here?" I asked. "Hmm? Takashi-Kun. You just missed him. He left a few minutes ago with a friend of his," Miss Toukô explained.

"Oh. I see. Did he say where he was going, or which friend it was?"

"He didn't say where, but he said he was going to be with Natori-San. Why? Do you need to talk with Takashi?"

"Yes. But you don't have to worry. It's nothing to serious."

"Okay. Should I tell him you stopped by?" Miss Toukô asked.

"No. It's fine," I said. "Well, I'll be off now! Goodbye, Miss Toukô!" I waved and sprinted away.

"Bye, (Y/N). Be safe! People have been disappearing lately!" she said, waving worriedly.

I turned around and smiled. I said a quick "Yes nice, Ma'am" and continued on my way.

About halfway down the road, I remembered that I didn't have a destination. I sat down under a nearby tree to think of where Natsume and Natori-San might be.

'Well,' I started. 'I need to look at anything abnormal that has happened recently. And then go from there. Hmm... Oh! A bunch of cats have been disappearing! Wait, what? I'm sure that has nothing to do with anything...' I sighed at my idiocy.

I started listing all the strange and bizarre things that were on the news this morning. 'Weird things in the forest, not much rain, fat pig walking around town, people disappearING IN THE MARKET! That's it!' I had found it. Both why Natori was here to begin with, and why he was in the market earlier.

I thought back to the news article. It had said, 'In the past three weeks, five people have been reported missing. Each victim was said to be going to the market on ###street. The victims where all girls younger than twenty with (H/C) hair. If you fit in this category, please be on guard.'

'(H/C) hair? That's my hair color. Maybe I should have paid more attention this morning...' I shrugged it off. I had more important things to worry about. So I pointed myself in the direction of the market, and dashed there.

I was so tired when I got there. I felt like I could have collapsed at any moment. But, unfortunately for me, I was only at the entrance of the market. My sigh sounded more like a deep, out if breath, exhale.

I managed to trudge forward. 'I must be really out of shape...' I thought. 'Maybe I should exercise more?' I wondered where I should head to. I was sure they were there, but the market was so huge that it would take an hour or more for me to get around it once. Not to mention my being out of breath and feeling like my legs were going to fall off.

'Natori-San was in the east side of the market earlier, and he ran in that direction after our conversation. He could have been investigating. Maybe that's where he is now?' It wasn't perfect, but it was all I had to go on. So I ran as fast as I could to the east. Although it looked more like limping.

Perspiration was overtaking my body. I was exhausted, so much so, I didn't dare waste what little energy I had to even wipe the sweat from my forehead. My breaths came in constant "huff"s and "gasp"s.

I glanced around in every direction. Dozens of people surrounded me, but no sign of Natsume or Natori. "Natsume, where are you..?" I subconsciously asked.

It was simply a coincidence, but it felt like fait, or maybe somebody complying with my needs. Because, at that moment I finished my sentence, I heard Natsume's voice. But instead of his usual soft and calming tone, he was using one I had never heard before. It was anger?

"No! I'm not going to call her!" he said. I turned my head to the right, following his voice to its source. I saw Natsume and Natori arguing over something. I listened more to figure out who they were quarreling over.

"Natsume," Natori stressed. "I now she's important to you, but we need to do something. She's the perfect one to help. And I know she wouldn't refuse a request from you." Natori placed his hands on Natsume's shoulders as reassuringly as he could.

"The answer is still no. I won't let her do anything as dangerous this," Natsume said still being stubborn.

Natori sighed. "Okay, Natsume. Since you're being so stubborn, we'll have to find another way to do this," Natori dropped the issue.

I finally decided to intervene. "Natsume, who are you talking about?" the question seemed to hang in the air for far longer than it should have.

Natsume starred at me with wide eyes. "Oh, uh, (Y/N). What're you doing here?" he stuttered out. "Looking for you and Natori-San," I explained. I turned my head to Natori. "By the way, Natori-San, you never gave me my neckless back from when we met earlier," I said with a frown plastered across my face.

"Oh~? Did I?" he ignored my scowl and reached in his pocket. Once he had found it, he handed it to me.

"Hey, (Y/N)-Kun. What do you say about helping us out?" Natori asked.

----To Be Continued----

Author's note: By the way, this is the chapter I was having trouble with. I know I said I needed help two chapters ago, but I have a system. I post one every ten days. I write whenever I have time. I usually have an extra chapter ready to post in case I, for some reason or another, can't write fast enough to post on time. That way you guys won't be disappointed. ^^

I'm sure I explained this terribly, but my system works. And that's all that matters.

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