Visitation (II)

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The day after meeting Kaname's friends, I was walking back to the Tamuma house after getting groceries. When suddenly I heard the pitter patter of tinny feet. I looked down to see what resembled a maneki-neko.

"Huh?" I asked myself. I knew for a fact maneki-neko's can't walk. Then I remembered see this cat the day before.

'It was Natsume's cat!' It finally struck me. "You're Natsume's cat, aren't you?" I asked not at all expecting an answer.

I reached into the grocery bag and brought out a can of tuna. "Would you like some tuna?" I giggled realizing that I was talking to a cat.

I sat down at a nearby bench and opened the can. I placed the can on the ground. I smiled as I watched the chubby cat pig out on the small can of fish.

I looked at my watch. "Oh crap! I have to get home to make dinner!" I was about to sprint straight to the house, but stoped for a moment to say goodbye the cat.

"Your name was Nyanko-Sensei, wasn't it? Well, enjoy your meal!" I waved at him, and ran off to cook dinner.

I got home just in time. I made homemade ramen. Once Mister Tanuma and Kaname were seated I served them there meals.

"You know you don't have to cook for us, right?" Mister Tamuma asked.

"It's the least I can do. And plus, I like cooking," I said gleefully.

"Oh, by the way, Kaname. I saw Natsume-san's cat when I was walking back from the store," I said.

"Ponta!?" He sounded surprised, but not as surprised as I was to hear 'Ponta'.

"Ponta?" I asked. "Yeah, his name is Nyan-Nyan-Sensei, so I call him Ponta instead," Kaname explained.

"I thought Natsume-san said it was Nyanko-sensai?"

"Hmm?" We hummed together.

"Haha! It looks like you're fitting in quite nicely, (Y/N)," Mister Tanuma had a huge smile on his face.

"Yes. Everyone is kind to me, so I'm really enjoying living here," I said. "I'm glad to hear that," he said still smiling.

"We'll have to ask Natsume ourselves tomorrow. There's no school so we'll have to walk to his house. Is that okay?" Kaname asked.

"Of course. What time do you want to leave?" I asked.

"How about noon?" He offered.

"That sounds good, but shouldn't we call ahead?" I reminded.

"Yeah, I'll ask after dinner."

And so, we chatted for the rest of dinner. Afterwards I collected the dishes, and put them in the sink.

While I was washing the dishes I asked, "Kaname, did you call Natsume-san yet?"

"Yes. He said it was okay to go over at twelve. He said we could stay over for dinner, too," Kaname smiled.

"Sounds great," I said.

At eleven-thirty Kaname and I started our walk to Natsume's house. On the way I heard more ayakashi talking about the mysterious Natsume.

I was getting mixed messages from those ayakashi. Some of them said Natsume was a devil, and that she had thousands of yokai servants, who she used for evil ploys.

Others said he was a kind and gentle young man who saves various ayakashi from the brink of death. And that he will shelter anyone from villainous exorcists.

These yokai only seemed to confuse me. Was this Natsume-sama a man or a woman? Was Natsume-sama kind or devilish? I wondered all of this as we strode onward to our friend's house.

I felt something brush up against my leg. I gazed down to see none other than in infamous Nyanko-sensai. Or was it Nyan-Nyan-sensei? 'Oh, well. I'll just call him Sensei for now," I decided.

"Hello, Sensei," I greeted. He purred. Sensei placed his front paws on my leg like he wanted something.

"I didn't bring you any food this time," I confessed. "I don't if Natsume-san will like someone he barely knows feeding his sensei."

"I'm sure Natsume wouldn't mind," Kaname said, intruding on our conversation.

"Yes, but better safe than sorry," I said pointing a finger at the cloudless sky.

I look almost as if Sensei frowned. 'Ehh?' I wondered. He then removed his paws from my shin, and walked away.

"We're here," Kaname said.

I saw a large cream colored Japanese styled house. There was a nice big yard with bright green grass and beautiful flowers.

"Wow... This is a wonderful house," I complemented, knowing full well Natsume wasn't there to except it.

Kaname and I walked up to the house, and he knocked on the door.

I suddenly heard a loud crash. "What was that?!" I yelled into the huge home. "Natsume-san! Are you alright?!"

"Natsume!" Kaname called with me. I tried banging down the door.

I was leaning my full weight on the door when it opened. I fell forward, but managed to catch myself.

I looked up to see Natsume standing in the doorway. I put my hands on his shoulder, and looked down. My breath could be heard in desperate pants.

"Are you okay?" Natsume asked worryingly. "What happened in there? We heard a crash!" I managed to breath.

"It's nothing," he said, "I just dropped a vase."

"Natsume-san... I haven't known you for long, but that scared me to death and back. Just... Don't ever do that again, okay?"

"Yeah," Kaname agreed, "We thought something had happened."

Natsume didn't say anything at first. He just rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Oh... I'm sorry for worrying you," he said.

I picked my head up and looked him in the eyes. "It's okay as long as you're not hurt," I said removing my hands from Natsume's shoulders.

"Anyway..." I said trying to change the subject. "You should keep an eye on your cat."

Natsume sighed and asked, "What did he do this time?"

"Nothing troubling. But he does wander around a lot. I don't want to see anything happen to him, so make sure to keep an eye on him," I informed.

"I see... I'll go look for him later. Do you wanna come in?" Natsume asked moving to the side so Kaname and I could come into the pretty house.

I nodded in response, and walked in. "Pardon the intrusion," I said.

----To Be Continued----

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