Curry (IV)

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Kaname, Natsume, and I sat together after we had finished our tea. Natsume had just explained everything about Nyanko-Sensei and himself.

"...So, you can see yokai, Nyanko-Sensei is an all powerful ayakashi, and you have this magical book that lets you control any yokai who's name is written in it?" I asked, trying my best to put what I had just been told simply.

Natsume and Kaname nodded. "Is there anything we should know about you?" Natsume asked.

I shook my head. "All I can do is see yokai," I confessed. "I'm used to standing out, but compared to you I seem pretty uneventful."

Natsume chuckled. "I don't think so," he said sweetly. "I really like you," a barely noticeable light crimson shade that was appeared on his cheeks as he said that.

The thought crossed my mind. That most teenage boys would be embarrassed to say something like that. Maybe because he never had the chance to have friends, that he never developed the feeling of being embarrassed.

I suppose I was like that myself, but I still cared what other people thought and said. So I suppose embarrassment came naturally to me.

"Yes. I agree," Kaname said, forcefully pulling me out of my thoughts; moreover ruining the perfectly good mood Natsume and I had created.

There was a long pause that felt awkward. "...Um, Kaname," I tried breaking the silence. "Yes?" he asked.

"Whatever happened to the cakes?" I asked. "Yeah," Natsume sounded curious. "I was wondering the same thing," he finished.

"The bakery I went to was out. I couldn't go to the other store, because it was too far away. Who knows what would have happened if I left you two alone for too long?" Kaname explained.

"What did you expect to happen..?" Natsume asked uncomfortably. I shared his sentiments.

"... Natsume," Kaname seriously said. "What is it?" Natsume asked cluelessly. "You were alone in your house. With a pretty girl," Kaname patted Natsume's shoulder while saying this.

"HUH?" Natsume blushed brightly. There was no use trying to hide it. You could practically see his red face a mile away. I blushed twice as deep. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't even say anything.

Kaname glanced down at his watch and shot up. "(Y/N), we have to go!" he informed. I looked down at my own watch to see it was five thirty. I had to hurry back home to do my chores.

"Sorry, Natsume. We have to go," I bowed politely, and Kaname and I shot out of Natsume's door.

Before we got too far away, I heard Natsume say, "I hope we get to talk soon, (Y/N)."

I had no idea why hearing my name being called by made me quiver with excitement. 'Is it because we couldn't talk about yokai? I'm sure that's why!' I concluded.

About halfway home, I remembered I was going to ask if he was The Natsume, but I had forgotten.

"Kaname!" I stopped him from his sprint. "What is it?" he asked slightly panting.

"I forgot something," I said. "I'll have to go back."
"What did you forget?" Kaname sighed.

"Nothing too important," I replied. "But if I don't do this now, I'll forget! So it can't wait!"

"I-I see," Kaname said. "Can you tell Mister Tanuma I'll be late, but I'll do my chores before I go to bed?" I asked.

"Sure. Are you really okay with going by yourself, though?" Kaname asked concerned.

"I'll be fine," I reinsured. "I know the way, and it's not that far."

"I'm sure Miss Fujiwara will insist on you staying for dinner, so you don't have to worry about being late," Kaname said. I thanked him and left with a wave, running in the opposite direction of the Tanuma house.

Once there, I knocked on Natsume's door. I heard footsteps and then the 'click clank' of the door being unlocked.

Before I knew it, Natsume was standing in the doorway. "(Y/N)?" He asked, obviously confused.

"I'm sorry for coming back so soon," I said. "But I forgot to ask you something when I was here earlier. I'm sorry if I interrupted your dinner..." I trailed off.

"Not at all." he said kindly. "What is it that you wanted to ask me?" I was about to ask but was interrupted by a woman's voice who asked, "Takashi-kun, who's at the door?"

Natsume turned his head and replied with, "It's Tanuma's sister, aunt Toukô."

"Ohh~!" She walked up to see for herself. "Why don't you come in and have dinner with us?" She asked me sweetly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't want to intrude."

"It's fine," Natsume smiled. "We would love to have you." I gave into there kindness. "If you insist." I said.

I was guided down the hallway to a room with a low table and cushions on the flower. A man was sitting on one of the cushions. He looked up at me. "Oh, hello." He said.

"This is Tanuma's sister, (Y/N)," Natsume introduced. "Ah, I see. It's a pleasure to meet you," the man said warmly. "Likewise," I said.

Natsume sat down next to the man, I sat next to him. Miss Toukô came in shortly carrying what looked to be a big pot of curry.

"Is that curry?" I asked. She nodded. I smile brightly. "I love curry!" I said.

"I'm glad to hear that," she smiled. Her smile lit up the room, causing the men to smile brightly back.

Toukô set the large pot in the center of the table. And got some plates. We each served ourselves. Before eating, we said a quick 'Thank you for the meal.'

"Wow, this is incredible!" I complemented. "Thank you," Miss Toukô said. "Your just as sweet and pretty as Takashi-kun said you were."

Natsume choke on his curry and I blushed. I looked over at Natsume unbelievably. He coughed and hacked endlessly.

----To Be Continued----

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