Chapter 20 | The First Key

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"Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive."

Meilin and Rollan ran over and tapped me on the shoulder. "Come on, we have the trail figured out." Rollan said cautiously eyeing Clarice. Meilin made a face when she saw my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked concern spread across her face. Clarice looked up at Meilin and Rollan. Clarice's face lit up when she saw them. I rubbed my eyes once more.

"Meilin, Rollan, our saviors, What a delight to see you!" Clarice smiled. Meilin turned right back to me.

"This is Clarice, she told me she knew my mom." I paused looking at Clarice. What if what Clarice said was a lie? But why would a lady like her lie to me. "She said my-my mom died." I forced myself to keep a straight face, not to get upset.

Meilin's face softened, "I'm so sorry." I nodded in thanks. Rollan's eyes changed, almost like he saw a memory. "She could be lying." Meilin suggested slightly whispered. Clarice was turned in another direction.

Rollan shook his head, his eyes were focused on Clarice. "She's telling the truth, I see no hints of lying." I dropped my head. Meilin sighed from behind me.

"Can I have a minute alone with Clarice before we go?" I said my voice shaky. Meilin nodded and led Rollan away. I turned back to Clarice.

She smiled, "You're wondering about what I said earlier I assume." I nodded waiting for her to explain. "Your mother, Eva had twins. A boy and a girl. When your father grew sick she struggled to take care of the twins. When the attack from the Conquerors came she tried to defend the twins, but a conqueror cornered her. She told the twins to run. The twins were so young they barely could walk. But they managed to stumble away. Your mother was killed as well as your father. The twins had managed to escape. You are one of the twins."

And all these years I thought my mother abandoned me, I thought she was still out there. But who knew I could be so horribly wrong. "This doesn't make sense." I said shaking my head. Clarice stood calm and watched me for several seconds.

"The other twin was nowhere to be found. You were separated. But I do know his name." I stopped and watched her. "Ryker. His name is Ryker." I didn't know what to say. It was so much to process.

"Olivia, we must go soon." I heard Meilin shout from afar. I nodded not turning to look at her. Clarice grabbed my arm her eyes meeting mine.

"There is something you must remember." Clarice said her words crystal clear. The voices of other people faded away until it was just me and Clarice. "Your scars are inside and out. You've seen things kids your age shouldn't. You are damaged. And so I must tell you. Remember this when you've lost all hope." Clarice cleared her throat. "Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive." I liked that.

She smiled. "Stay safe dear child." And with that she was gone. Leaving me to think of everything. My mouth was hung open when Rollan grabbed my arm.

"Are you ok?" He asked his brow furrowed. I nodded even though I wasn't. I was just told that for the first time in 10 years I had family. Not the whole family but it was family.

But I also learned that my long hope for a mom was gone. I didn't know how to feel. "Listen, Olivia we need to go..." Meilin said her face softened. I nodded. I would hate to slow anyone down.

I started to walk, but everyone was silent. We began to hurry since we were supposed to meet up with Sal after we find the key. I had to pull myself away from the previous conversation in order to keep up with Meilin. She was determined to get the key before dark.

Soon the small shops were fading away and the forest began. "Right through here." Meilin brushed past some low hanging branches. And there appeared a dark and low cave. Rollan stopped and squinted into the cave.

"What do you see?" Meilin asked turning to Rollan. Rollan had very shark eyesight because if Essix. I didn't doubt him, but the cave was so dark it seemed like no once could see inside.

Rollan took a step forward, "It appears to be an average cave. Are you sure this is where the cypher key is?" Rollan asked Meilin. I picked up the Belenese Book. The pages described a low cave covered with trees at the opening of a forest.

"This is it." I said scanning the cave. Nullet already entered the cave. I ran to keep up with him. Once I entered the cave I immediately noticed everything around me lightened. It was as if an invisible flashlight lit up the path.

I kept walking, Rollan called my name and I heard footsteps echo down the cave. The cave was quite long and curved many times. I began to think it would never end. I heard Rollan grunt from behind me. Finally the cave stopped and a small stone podium stood.

I stopped and waited for the others to catch up. The podium was relatively short and a small golden key sat on the top. We all stared at t and waited for someone to grab it. It must've been a trap. Right?

But it wasn't, Meilin reluctantly plucked it off the podium and spun around smiling. I guess that was it. We ran back out of the cave. "Lets go find Sal" Meilin suggested. I shook my head.

"But that seemed to easy." I said turning back to the cave. Rollan sighed as we stopped next to a small group of trees. The cave looked very dark now, I didn't realize how creepy it looked.

"Doesn't matter, we got what we came for. It's not like the going to blow up." Rollan grunted. I shivered at that. We couldn't be so sure. But I decided to keep quiet, I could be wrong.

We went back the way we came, and soon reached the small village. Sal, Abeke, and Conor were waiting for us. Meilin held up the cypher key. "Good." Sal smiled, "Lets get back to the boat."


"Great job guys!" Conor smiled, I nodded. They began to talk, but I sat up and stood beside the boat's rail. The sun was setting, Nullet sat down next to me. His head rested on the railing. I watched the sun set, it brought calmness through my body. But my head kept wandering back to Clarice and the Cypher key. I smiled it was the end of the day, I needed to let it go.

Before I knew it the sun was down and the sky was dark. The light splash of waves hitting the boat was calming. Tonight I was content. But I noticed a small light coming from the lower cabin. I squinted towards the cabin.

Nullet stood up and sniffed the cabin. I knew some people were asleep so I tried to be quiet when I pushed the door open. A dim lantern was propped against a crate. But that wasn't where the light was coming from.

A bright white light was shining from the cypher key. I gasped the light made a sizzling sound and before I could run a loud boom rang out through the boat.

 I gasped the light made a sizzling sound and before I could run a loud boom rang out through the boat

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