Chapter Twenty-One. Emily and Jessica.

Start from the beginning

'Geneva.' Emily replied.

Jess leaned over across Emily towards the cop. 'Quelle heure, please,' she asked in an atrocious accent. Emily could see out of the corner of her eye that Jessica's shirt dress had fallen sideways across her shoulder to make it obvious she wore no bra.

The cop grinned broadly and shook his head while he handed back the passports. 'Go slower', he said in a guttural French accent. He waved them on.

Emily drove at a sedate speed. 'I thought, Jess, you were going to blow it back there. You were so obvious.'

'Who rules this world? We do.' 


Scott telephoned Emily. He stood at the open door leading out onto the balcony of his flat. The May sun had lost it's warmth, to be replaced by an evening breeze coming up the River Thames. Already the lights along the embankment were on, and seemed to blink in the reflection of the dark waters.

'Emily. How are you?'

'Hi, Scott. Had a brilliant day. We're now in a hotel in Geneva, near a park with a huge fountain. We got some exploring to do. How are you?'

'Today was busy. Again. I've had a letter confirming my start date in Boston.'

'To start when?'

'About ten days. Will you be back in time?'

'Of course.'

Scott detected that Emily was distracted at the other end of the line. 'Why are you in Geneva, Emily?'

'Got some business to do, you know, meet somebody and sort something out.'

'Meet who?' Scott wondered if he was being too nosey, but she hadn't mentioned this before.

'It's only a matter to do with my late father's estate.' 

Scott could tell she didn't want to talk about it. 'So, a day or two in Geneva and then back here.' It wasn't a question, more like a statement, or even more like an order. He wished he hadn't said it.

'I don't know, Scott. The weather's so nice, the mountain air, it's fresh after London . . .'

He interrupted, 'look. When are you going to be back?' He realised he had said that 'look' word again. Did he sound annoyed, he wondered?

'Scott, you can't order me back to London. I'm . . . '

'I didn't order you.' He had raised his voice but hadn't meant to. 'But you said you would be coming to live with me in Boston.' He could hear the huff from Emily at the other end.

'That's still the plan, Scott. But we may stay a few more days and explore the Alps.'

'Doesn't sound like you're keen on Boston. Or me.'

'Scott. Don't be such a dick. I've . . . '

'Don't call me a dick.' Scott swore under his breath. He was tired, he realised, and he should just chill out.

Emily paused, 'I've told you.' She went silent and he could hear her shifting her position. 'I've said I will come to Boston.'

Scott admitted he was angry. He didn't want to show it. And he shouldn't have said the next few words, 'and why do I not believe you?'

Emily didn't answer although he could hear her breathing.

He raised his voice again. 'Speak to me.'

The line went dead. Emily had cut him off.


Emily had started her phone conversation with Scott while looking out of their hotel window. The view was beautiful, a park with a single jet fountain shooting into the sky, and the snow capped mountains. Jessica stood next to her. 

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