Play date.

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Athenas POV.
2 weeks later, last day in London.

It's currently 9 am and I'm eating breakfast that consists of rice crispy's and milk with a glass of apple juice. I just love cereal.
I'm watching Millie bobby browns snapchat of me and her from last night. She slept over but left 20 minutes ago as she has some promoting to do for stranger things season 2. Like that show is amazing!

I'm laughing then Paris comes in and asks what I'm laughing at.

"Oh just Millie b's story of me and her last night" I say.

"Oh I saw it's hilarious, except you kept me up till like 3 am this morning!" Paris glares playfully at me .

"Sorry ya chunky monkey!" I say back causing us to beak out into gifts of laughter just when Dad comes in and gives us the look of I don't wanna know.

Soon I wash my bowl and spoon and head to my room to get changed as we're going to the beckhams today. We're really good mates with them and go on holiday once a year and meet up like all the time as their kids are all our ages. Romeo is mine and the twins age. Cruze is roses and Harper is cali's. I can't wait as it's been like a whole month since I last saw them all.

I put on this outfit.

Simple outfit and my grey Nike jumper with my name on it in white on the back

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Simple outfit and my grey Nike jumper with my name on it in white on the back.
Also at 5 I've got a dance work shop.
(At the cinema with the beckhams)

We're just buying tickets to go and see despicable me 3, as it's kid friendly. I mean it was either this or trolls and I can speak on behalf of mine and the beckhams that Cali and Harper do NOT need to see that movie for the billionth time. Like that can recite lines and everything. I can tell that Cali will make a good little actress.

"Thank you for the photo and your screen is number 7" the person who sold us the tickets says.

Turns out that coming the cinema at 12 peak time on a Sunday was not a good idea as there are a lot of people around and we end up taking photos with LOTS of people. It's a good job that we booked out the whole theatre room for just us so we can talk and not worry about everyone staring. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my fans but at the same time I wish I wasn't famous as you don't get any privacy really!

Anyway I'm sitting next to Romeo and London.

"Haha that's hilarious!!!!" Romeo cracks up laughing at somthing that really wasn't funny!

This makes me and li didn't laugh. Then there's a Loud un excepted bang causing Romeo to drop his pop corn all over him and me.
Now we're not even watching the movie we're just laughing and I end up crying of laughter at the state Romeo is in, he can't get it out his hair so I help him.

"You bafoons up their shut up!" David mocks at us all.

"Sorry Dad!" Romeo shouts.

Let's just be glad we have this theatre to ourselves. Soon the movie is over.

"It was better than the 2nd one but not as good as the first, but nothing beats the original one though. Well many except the nanny mcphee series the second one is just the bomb.... haha get what I'd did there , you know it's set during WW2 and there's a bomb in the field?" I say laughing at my pun.

"Wow Thena that was bad" Cruze tells me.

"Hey, I thought it was good!" I defend myself.

He just gives me a dirty look( jokingly) and I give his hair a ruffle making him correct it and all of us laugh.

"Today was good but we need to head off as Athena and rose have a dance workshop now" Dad says. To Vikki and David.

"Aww well were gonna come to LA In February for cruzes birthday so meet then" David tells us all.

"Bye guys" I say and give Brooklyn a hug and then Romeo and Cruze. I give Harper a kiss on the head and spin her around making her giggle. She then gives Cali a really long hug and they say bye to each other.

I say bye finally to David and Vikki. We part and head off to dance.

"Ok so you've learned the two routines and danced them out. I'm gonna chose people to perform one and some person the other and video to post on social media, ok" the choreographer tells us. I get chosen and so does Rose except she's in the other performing group.

Soon the music starts and the dance begins with the video, then rose dances. My family watching are embarasing and cheering for me and my sister making us get embarrassed.

(Rose is at the front in the long camo top with blonde hair)

(Athena the one at the front)

"Your rocked it girls!" Mom really us as we're heading home.

"Thanks mom, also Dad can we stop off at MacDonald's for tea? Please daaaaddddd!" Rose asks.

"Sure roooosssseeeee!" Dad mocks rose making her stick her young out.

"God I'm craving a Big Mac right now!" Mom tells us.

"I'm craving some fries" Paris says.

"I'm craving some chipotle" Cali tells us making us turn to face her.

"Cali, you know there's no chipotle in England right? You idiot" Rose says.


"Brynn-Cali and Octavia-Rose behave, rose apologise please" mom says sternly.

"Sorry Cali but, just to make it clear there isn't a chipotle in England" Rose says.

"Great apology sis!" I say in a monotone voice.

Rose just Glares at me trying to hold back a laugh.

"Cali babe, we'll go to chipotle tomorrow ok" Dad tells her.


Oh yeah we go home tomorrow. I love England but I really miss my bed back in America.

After we got the maccies, we go home with them and eat it while watching a movie. Were half way through watching the tooth fairy when I fall asleep.

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