Jam packed day.

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Kristen's point of view.

I wake up to the sun in my eyes and cold arms wrapped around my torso.

I feel a kiss to my head, "morning love" rob say's against my head.

"Morning Pattinson, what's the time?" I ask.

"Oh shit, it's already 8" rob exclaims.

"Fuck dude, we're gonna be late, I'll wake up the twins and Cali, you wake up rose and Athena" I say scrambling outta bed, shoving on my outfit that consists of a pair of dark ripped jeans, plain white t-shirt, a pair of original vans and my dark sunglasses. Leaving my hair down and no makeup on.

Robs wearing jean shorts that go down to his thigh. A plain black top with black converse and his green cap and dark sunglasses.

As we head out the bedroom to wake up the kids, there's no need.

"Seriously kids , your up. You could've woken us up we're going to be late" I say running up to Cali and giving her raspberry kisses all over her body causing her to yelp out in fits of laughter.

"Mommy st-sto-s-s-stop." Cali says in fits of laughter barley unable to fully say stop.

"Well we thought you and Dad would want a lie in, soooo we decided to be ready for when you were up and dressed so we could leave soon after" Paris says.

"Smart thinking Paris, just kart me and mom grab breakfast then we'll head out" rob says.

"Oh.... we already made you guys panckakes. It was Roses idea" Athena says.

"Moms recipe too" London adds.

This causes rob to rush over to the stack of pancakes with a toothy grin on him, digging in to his pancakes.

"Geez Kristen your food recipes are honing to be the death of Me" he says.

"Fuck off rob, kids get are stuff and put it into the cars ok, we leave in 10" I say. At this point it's only me and rob, Paris and London and Athena in the room. We only swear in front of them , not the younger kids. You may think that that's bad but we wanted our children to be brought up to accept everyone and be who you are. And come one teenagers swear all the time, and so do me and rob so we let them, just not on camera or in interviews. Only with family and friends.

"Sure thing mom" London says and they walk out the room to collect our bags.


At the airport.

"Daddy will there be those camera guys out there?" Cali asks.

"Yeah sweetie,just ignore them ok" rob tells his youngest.

"Yeah do a mom and give them the finger!" London shouts.

"London!" I shout but also have and amused face on. I actually haven't flipped off the paps in years.

"What's the finger mommy?" Cali asks.

" nothing honey, just London being and idiot" I say to her.

"Yeah like always!" Paris taunts her twin.

"Shut up" London says back.

The car stops meaning it's time to face the paparazzi. I hate those guys so much.

"Go to gate 8, your jet will be there." Carter one of our bodies guards says.

"Thank you carter" I say.

Hopping out the car with all our shades on. The flashes and questions start.

"Where you guys going?"
"Are you popping out another?"
"London,Paris is it true your adopted?"
"Kristen will you cheat again?"

That last comment hurt, the media don't know the full truth and never will!

"Hey just ignore them love, ok" rob whispers in my ear, grabbing my left hand and holding it in his.

Walking through the airport and heading out to the plane the paps took photos, so did fans. I don't mind taking photos with fans, however taking them of us without Consent is legit what those filthy cockroaches are.

"Your plane will take off in 20 minutes so hurry on and get settled" our pilot says.

"Dibs a window seat" London hollers as she climbed into are private jet.

"No way first come first severe" Paris retaliate's.

"Girls why you were fighting, your siblings took the window seats, idiots" rob laughs at the faces the girls make of pure annoyance.

"So not runny Dad!"! Paris and London laugh as they each grab separate seats. They hate to be apart.

Athena knows this and kindly switches seats with Paris so she can sit next to London. I love that my children are close.

Soon the plane is taking off, ready for our 9 hour flight for our Christmas holiday to ..............

Thank you for reading won't post another chapter till 5 views and 1 like....... or I might just post anyway.

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