Chapter fifteen

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Marks POV

"Can we see him now?" Felix asks for the millionth time. The nurse chuckles at him, but quickly stops when Felix gives him a glare.

"No, not yet. I apologize, only family at this time."

"I am his family! I should be able to see him!" Felix shouts. I stand from my seat, grabbing Felix by the arm.

"Felix, don't yell at him. It's not his fault."

Felix scowls, stomping away.

"I'm sorry, he's just worried. Can you tell us anything about what happened?" I say hopefully.

"I'm sorry, I can just say that he's in good condition, we're just watching to be sure he's steady."

I nod slowly, wishing this nurse wasn't so kind and reasonable because I really want to punch something.

"Will you tell us if anything changes? I'm his boyfriend."

"Yes, of course. I'm really sorry I can't help you."

"It's okay, you're just doing your job."

He gives me a comforting pat on the shoulder. "My names Ryan. Holler if you need anything."


I walk back over and sit beside Felix, silently laying my head on my hands.

"I'm worried about him," Felix says, more to himself than me. "He's fragile. He doesn't believe it when I tell him, but he is. He breaks easily. He acts like I'm so unreasonable to want him to tell me about things, and talk to me about things that make him upset. I just want to help him."

"I know." I lay a hand on his shoulder that he quickly shrugs off. "Felix, he's going to get hurt and he's going to make mistakes. You can't stop that--"

"I have to! I can't go through this kind of pain. Wondering if he's okay, if he needs me, it's painful! I don't know what to do, Mark. Tell me what to do." He looks up at me, his eyes filled with hope. I feel a weight of responsibility on me and sigh.

"Be patient."


Jacks POV

I sit, bored out of my mind, tying the longest pieces of my short hair into mini braids, undoing them and then doing them again.

Honestly, there's nothing to do in hospital rooms, especially when you're being monitored for unusual activity.

As it happens, just as it had when I was younger, before I had to cut my almost girly long hair, braiding my hair calms me down. I was going to beg Ryan next time he entered this room to allow me some entertainment.

After about ten minutes, my opportunity arose.

"How do you feel, Jack?" He asks, smiling at me.

"Perfect. Better than I've ever felt before. Like a million bucks even," I boast.

"You're bored?"

"Out of my mind! Come on, Ryan, you have to let me do something!"

"I don't know..."

"Please please please please pleeeaasse!" I beg. Ryan smiles, laughing lightly.

"Fine fine. You have some eager visitors, shall I send them in?"

"God, yes!" I hum.

Ryan chuckles, nodding and leaving the room. I don't even bother worrying myself over the upcoming interrogation I'm going to get. It'd be bad if it was just Felix, but now it's Felix and Mark.

They burst through the door. While Mark thanks Ryan, Felix runs to the side of the bed, to me.

"Are you okay, Jack? What happened? Why didn't you call me earlier? Did you--"

"Felix, take a breath. I'm fine," I reply, smiling up at him. Felix runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, you look... alive, I guess." Felix pulls me up into a hug, squeezing me tightly. "Don't scare me."

"Sorry, it was just a prank, bro," I mutter sarcastically. Felix pulls away, scanning me closely. "Felix, I have no new scars or bruises. I didn't get hurt. Everything's fine."

Felix looks into my eyes, searching for anything that could send him into a rampage. After a couple seconds, he huffs and nods.

I notice Mark hasn't said anything. He's leaning against the wall by the door, looking at me. When I give him a smile, he looks down at the ground.

"Jack?" Felix says. I look up, noticing he must've said something. "I asked you what happened?"

"Oh, uh, nothing."

"Nothing? Nothing got you sent into the hospital?"

"Nothing's a real asshole."

"I don't find this funny."

"I do." I grin innocently at him. I jab him in the side, making him gasp and chuckle. I've learned this always makes Felix laugh.

"Stop it, this is serious!" He insists, but there's a smile on his face. I jab him again and he laughs. "Fine! But this conversation isn't over!"

I smile wider. "I knew it couldn't be."

Felix shakes his head. Mark shifts awkwardly, making brief eye contact with me, then looking back at the ground. I turn back to Felix.

"Can I talk to Mark alone for a second?" I ask gently. Felix glances from Mark, back to me and nods.

"I'll make myself scarce."

He leaves, shutting the door behind him and leaving me and Mark alone.

"I don't have cooties, you know," I say with a light chuckle. Mark leans off the wall, walking over to the side of the bed. I see no humour in his eyes, making me rethink my plan of attack. "I'm fine."

"What happened?" He asks, his voice shaking.


"And please don't say nothing."

I inhale, taking as deep of a breath as possible. "I had... an anxiety attack. One of the worst I've ever had, I think. I hadn't eaten anything that day so when I felt nauseous... n-nothing came up."

"That's not a reason to be in the hospital."

"I know. I'm getting to it. M-my aunt," i feel my voice begin to waver as well, and I try to steady it. The first time me and Mark really hung out, I spent a lot of it crying. I don't want that side of me to stick out in his mind. "She was with me. She called 911 when I... when blood..." I trail off. I couldn't finish the sentence. I look up at Mark, hoping to see some reaction other than the disgust I feel for myself.

He has the same affection in his eyes that he usually does, but now it carries sadness.

"Does this have anything to do with the phone call I got during our sleepover?"

I nod slowly.

"Jack, please. Tell me what's going on."

(Nice and sad. I just stomped on your hearts, didn't I? Nah, barely even a flinch BRO. I'm not much of a TEAR YOUR HEART OUT AND GIVE IT TO ME type writer, mostly cause that requires real talent *sarcastic grin*

Anyway, I'll leave you in peace. Bye! *waves*)

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