Chapter thirteen

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Marks POV

The night goes surprisingly smoothly. Felix doesn't argue with me or Jack, and no tears are spilled at all.

Currently, we're sat in the living room, playing Mario Cart on Jacks old Game Cube.

"Helvete!" Felix shouts as he's hit by a blue shell and sent out of first place.

"Felix! Language!" Jack scolds, hitting him on the back of the head and laughing.

"You understood that?" I ask incredulously.

"I know he only speaks Swedish when he wants to curse but doesn't want people to know what he's saying."

I laugh, looking over at Felix. He gives me a sly grin before going back to the game. Just for badness, I throw a red shell and pass Felix into second place.

"Jävla helvete!"

"Felix, watch your mouth!" Jack chuckles, hitting Felix with his shoulder.

Felix then slips on a banana peel, and Jack passes him too.

"Jag hatar bananer!"


"I literally said that I hate bananas."

"Oh. Don't be so rude to bananas!"

Felix laughs, shaking his head at Jack.

"Whatever. Go ahead, you speak some of your lovely Irish tongue to us."

"Tá tú gránna," Jack says, giving Felix a warm smile.

"What does that mean?"

"You're ugly."

Felix messes up jacks hair so it sticks straight up on his head.

"Now you're ugly."

"Am now, I'm still beautiful."

"You look like a rooster."

"A hot rooster."

While the two of them are distracted, I pass the both of them in Mario Cart and finish in first place, leaving them in the dust.

The victory music begins to play and I smirk at them until they realize.

"Hey, not fair!" Jack pouts.

"Completely fair. You forgot to pause it."

Jack gives me his best puppy dog eyes, and as a way to block him out, I give him a kiss. I turn back to the game.

"Pass the finish line so we can start a new round," I tell them. They both sigh in defeat and try to beat each other for second last place.

"I'm bored!" Jack whines as we look through the different cups to win.

"Want to do something else?"


"How about you sing for us, Jacki?" Felix asks, putting his chin on his hands and smiling innocently at Jack.

"No thanks, how about you sing for us?" Jack copies his movements and Felix scoffs.

"I sound like a dying seagull."

"I know. I have hearing problems from karaoke night."

"Shut up! You busted my eardrums playing happy wheels."

"Happy wheels is very frustrating!"

Felix stands, trotting into the kitchen. "I'm eating your food!" He calls.

"Go for it," Jack replies, smiling. "Throw me a bag of crisps."

A bag of crisps flies over and hits Jack on the side of the head. I can hear Felix laughing from the kitchen. Jack laughs, crinkling up his nose at Felix.

"You asked for it now!" He jumps off the floor, grabbing a pillow off the couch and running at Felix. He swings it at Felix but Felix runs away, laughing.

"Not fair, I don't have a weapon!" Jack continues after Felix as he jumps over and around the couch. Felix hides behind me.

"Don't drag me into this!" I laugh, trying to push Felix away.

"You gotta pick a side, Mark. Sweden, or Ireland?"

"Uh, Ohio!" I shout, grabbing two pillows and hitting Jack and Felix at the same time.

"No, we've been ambushed!" Jack screeches dramatically.

"What now?!" Felix

"An alliance! Between Ireland and Sweden!"

"Hey, you're working against me?"

"Sorry, pretty American boy! You must be bested!"

Felix and Jack both start hitting me as I  make futile attempts to hit them back.

"Where is the queen?" Jack shouts.

"The queen? I thought you were Ireland?"

"I still care about the queen. I'm not completely heartless. Besides, who knows how you're torturing the woman."

"You're torturing the queen? Not cool, man," Felix adds.

"I don't have the queen!"

"Get down Mr President!" Jack screams, tackling me to the ground. I laugh, trying and failing to push him off me. He hovers above me, an innocent smile on his face.

"Well hello," I breath, staring closely at his blue eyes, barely an inch away from my brown ones.

"Hey." He gives me a kiss on the nose, hopping off me to hit me in the face with a pillow.

(That's right, we're happy and shite. Don't you love it? Happy is good.

Anyway, I have old markiplier videos to watch. Enjoy yourselves. *waves*)

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