Chapter eight

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Marks POV

I don't answer. Instead, I lean forward and kiss him, squeezing my eyes shut. It's barely a second before Jack kisses back, stringing his arms around my neck. I lay my hands on his waist, pulling him slightly closer.

I allow myself to enjoy the feeling of him in my arms, the smell of oranges, the taste of vanilla.

After not nearly long enough, Jack pulls away. He stares at me with wide, innocently confused eyes. His oceans eyes flicker with fear for a moment, and it's almost like I can see his mind working.

"I..." he stops himself.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, not able to stop myself.

"Don't be."

But that perfect smile isn't on his face, so I can't picture that I've done something right.

Jack yawns, an adorable, kitten like yawn.

"Are you tired?" I ask, hoping he's not just bored with me.

"Yeah, a little. Im sorry, we didn't get to do anything you wanted to."

An idea pops into my head, and I stand to execute it.

"One second."

I run into the house, grabbing two sleeping bags and two pillows. I'm about to pick up my phone, when I realize it's the reason Jack had his anxiety attack. I shut it down, leaving it in my sock drawer. Instead, I grab my laptop and carry it outside.

I set down the sleeping bags, laying them out nicely with the pillows. I put the laptop in front of them, opening it up to Netflix.

"Do you have your phone on you?" I ask. Jack gives me a puzzled smile and hands me his phone out of his pocket. I quickly call the nearest pizza place.

"What are you doing?" Jack asks, a light smile playing on his face that makes me incredibly happy.

"Continuing our sleepover." I pat the sleeping bag beside mine. Jack laughs and nudges over until he's sitting beside me. I turn back on the movie we were watching, sitting slightly closer to him ever so casually.

My favourite part in the movie arises, where Knomeo and Juliet are dancing to the soft music. I look over at Jack, seeing him smiling at the screen. He meets my gaze, grinning. I stand, putting out a hand to him and bowing.

"May I have this dance?" I ask formally. Jack chuckles quietly.


I don't reply, just widen my grin and extend my hand further. Jack smiles, taking my hand and letting me pull him to his feet.

"I've never slow danced before," Jack professes.

"Well, I'll give you your first lesson."

I guide his hands around my neck, laying mine around his waist. We gently sway along with the music, along with the characters in the movie. Jack watches his feet, clearly worried about stepping on mine. I, however, can't take my eyes off him.

"Jack," I say gently. He looks up from his feet.


"I... I like you."

"I like you too."

"No, I mean... I like you. What, the kiss didn't show you?"

Jack stares up at me through long eyelashes. Jack breaths out, a single pronged, silent laugh. He shakes his head.

"I don't know how to be liked."

"I can give you your first lesson in that, too."

I lean in, hesitating to make sure I'm not pushing myself on him. He just so happens to have the same thing in mind, and meets me in the middle. This kiss is different, just as--or more--enjoyable than the first, but this one doesn't feel awkward, or new. It feels like a different kind of home then where you grew up, it's the home where you feel most comfortable and can be yourself. It's not a physical place. It's yourself, your mind.

Jack pulls away first, smirking at me.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but we're still dancing, and there's no music," he whispers, his forehead pressed against mine.

"Who says we need music to dance? Let's be one of those cheesy romantic comedies, where they dance in the living room in their pajamas in silence, and lay on the roof talking about the future, and believe in soulmates."

I pray he can see the affection that's basically pouring out of my mouth.

"What are you saying? You want to be... a couple?" He asks, but it's not like a question. It's like he's teasing me.

In return, I tease him too.

I shrug. "I want what you want."

"Don't make me decide. I'm bad with decisions."

"It's quite simple, really. Do you want to be with me or not?"

Jack hesitates, and I worry he's going to say no. He looks down at his feet again, bare like mine on the cold grass. When he looks back up, his ocean eyes seem to have become brighter.

"Yes, I want to be with you."

(I made this one a bucket of happy, didn't I?


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