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Miraculous! Simply the best!


Two years later . . .

"When I was younger," I said as I passed her the chocolate chipped vanilla ice cream she begged for. "I was so girly. I would play family with girls and plan out my perfect wedding." 

Luna almost choked over the words. 

"Oh gosh," I blinked. "Did I mentioned 'wedding' too fast? I mean, we've only been dating for two years, was I supposed to wait until year three?"

"No, no," Luna assured me. "The chocolate chip almost choked me. Yeah, go on." 

With a sigh of relief, I continued, "Anyways so I always wanted lavender draped around the walls."

"And a white decor with floral patterned carpet," Luna chimed, smiling. Then her eyes lit up."Oh oh! With cute small golden star-shaped embroidery on the bride's dress!" 

"Wow. Gold stars? I was going for something like . . . pink hearts," I laughed. 

"And free Starbucks for everyone," Luna smiled. 

"All coffeeless," I amended. 

"Maybe one coffeeful for West," Luna smiled. She was gorgeous. Her smile was stunning and it was so wonderful. 

We stared at each other for like what felt like a million hours until I opened my mouth. 

"Hey, let's get married." 

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