"You stole those brain sketches because you want to know how you're like him, how you're different from me and Abrahm and Mom and why you always felt out of place here-"

"Dec-" He begs.

"I noticed what happened in the interrogation room, Ryder. That was the first time in a long time that I have seen you genuinely happy because somehow you connected to him on some level that I will never be able to. Because somehow you two are alike and that's why you asked for more time because you're smart, Ryder. You may not have a lab coat to show for it but I know you know what these sketches mean and how to run these procedures well enough to do them on yourself."

It's like the air has been drained from the room, the both of them grasping at something to say but neither of them able to say it. Ryder merely spins in the chair absentmindedly, forcing himself to take his focus away from the rightful accusations and place them elsewhere, eyes blank as they rapidly blink away any emotions that can give him away.

"I just want to know what's wrong with me." He whispers, eyes staring straight ahead as they burn holes into the wall above December's head, the boy refusing to glance anywhere but that one spot. "I want to know why I'm like this and Wren is the closest that I have to some kind of answer. It's like we-" he pauses for a strangled breath, a weight falling into his stomach with each oncoming thought "we come from the same place, like talking with him is so effortless. Whereas I have to force myself to play this part to everyone here so they don't discover my secrets and throw me onto an operating table."

"You know you're family and that will never happen, I've told you this." December lets off a half smile though it falters rather quickly, the boy rising from his seat on the couch before offering an outstretched hand to his cousin and pulling him up with him. "Listen, go to bed, forget about this, and no one will have to know. I'll talk to Abrahm and have him keep shut about this just please, please forget about this, Ryder."

It takes a moment but the boy eventually agrees, heading out of the office door with a slight pat on the back by his cousin forcing him through the door, December hanging back to clean up the remainder of the files strewn across the room . Yet it isn't long before a sound has him peeking up from his work and headed towards the doorframe, gingerly peering his head out of the frame to witness the scene taking place mere feet away from his hiding spot.

Abrahm stands at the far side of the hall with Jenn by his side, her hair cascading down her shoulders before she ties it up in one swift movement, revealing her face beneath the yellow glow and, in turn, the sheer hatred that graces her features.

The sight has December shrinking back into the doorframe, only allowing enough of his head to hang out so that he's able to witness their conversation. The sinking feeling returns in the pit of his stomach as her expression only changes from bad to worse, Ryder visibly shrinking in her presence as his shoulders slump forward, instinctively trying to make himself seem smaller when he's around her. It's a side of Ryder that he's never really seen, as well as a side of his mother he only thought were jaded accusations.

"Stealing government property could have you executed by firing squad, Ryder. Or worse, you could be hanged for crimes of treason."

His head hangs low to the ground, body curled within himself further before taking the slightest step back, a slight tremor running from one sunken shoulder blade to the next as he avoids the question outright. She speaks it again, voice smooth but still threatening as she lays a graceful set of hands on his shoulders. The long limbs tap in a rhythmic pattern against his flesh, a sinister melody beginning to flow through the room with each hypnotic tap of her finger.

The pattern continues in the silence of the hallway, Abrahm backed behind her with eyes locked on Ryder and Jenn, a slight smile forming on his thick lips before he pushes away, watching the actions from afar just as December does.

Too much time passes, December notes, too many rhythms, too many taps that count the time as they all wait with still hearts and heavy breaths, throat scratched raw from the air that forces itself through the small channel. Cautiously he eyes the clock behind him, only a few short minutes having gone by though they seem an eternity.

As if time had heard his prayers the rhythm stops, Ryder physically tensing up before his shoulders loosen, body retracting from the creature ahead of him as he grips his book tighter to his body. Jenn's falsely sweet stare locks into his own terrified gaze before he shifts past her and down the hall, feet gentle against the tile though he rushes by in a blur, disappearing behind two corners and out of sight.

Without the main attraction, December hunches further into the shadows of his own office, waiting silently for Jenn to pass so he can escape back into his own bedroom as Ryder had. To escape his beating heart and a reality that was forced upon him all too soon.

Ryder was telling the truth.

All these years... he can't bring himself to carry on the thought, rather pushing further into himself, listening to the beating of his own chest and feeling each thump that hit against his ribcage. The beat soon overtaking the sound of Jenn's taps that had burrowed themselves into the crevice of his mind. With another stifled breath and heavy beat her heels are soon heard clicking against the tile in the opposite direction, the heavy footsteps of Abrahm following close behind.

As the sound fades, December finally emerges from the shadow of the doorway into the lights of the now empty hall. The tapping has long faded but his heart still stabs away at his flesh, shoulders rising and falling with each rapid breath as he forces himself down the maze one last time, knowing exactly where he needs to be.

Lab A/Room A1

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