Things I Like/Dislike

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I got the idea to write this from my friend Clam-Chowder  

Things I like:

1. Evanescence

2. Amy Lee

3. 2000s rock music

4. Bed

5. I agree that orange juice is amazing

6. Marvel Comics

7. Star Wars

8. Collecting things. I collect a bit of everything

9. Getting results

10. Silence and being left alone in real life

Things I dislike:
1. Stereotypes and anti-feminism

2. The colour pink. I hate the basic colour of my gender! Blue is so much better

3. Donald Trump

4. People who think that men are better than women

5. Pop music

6. People who are mean to those who have an illness or handicap. They're still people too

7. Make-up

8. Socialising

9. B*tches who think they're so cool because they wear expensive clothing, hang around town in skanky groups, are popular and skinny and bully others. But they're often the ones that don't do well in life

10. People that say they're your friend, but then decide to turn on you just to be popular and leave you with no friends. Yes, this has happened to me

I know that this had nothing to do with Emo Band Stuff. I just needed to rant.

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