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Monday morning: Human by Cher Lloyd

The worst feeling is to wake up before your alarm clock, especially when you are normally scheduled to wake up at 6:30. I groan as I stare at my clock. It reads 6:10. Ugh, 20 minutes I could have still been sleeping. Now that I'm awake, I won't be able to get back to sleep. I groan again, but throw my covers off of me, immediately encased by the cold. This happens every morning, me freezing my butt off, but I refuse to sleep in anything other than a tank top and shorts. Sometimes I have bad cases of night sweats, so I don't want to wake up soaked. 

I run to turn on my light and quickly get changed into my clothes for the day. I walk to the bathroom and run a brush through my hair, then head downstairs, my phone in my hand. I already know my parents won't be here to wish me a good morning. They always have meetings in the morning or paperwork or some other dumb reason to leave. When I walk into the kitchen, I see a Poptart laying on the counter. My mother might not be here in person to make me breakfast, but she always set something special out for me. Poptarts might not be healthy, but they are darn good, so I throw it into the toaster. I wander around downstairs, looking for my parents, but find them gone, just as I expected. When my Poptart pops up, I put it on a plate, then walk to the living room. With the extra time I have this morning, scrolling through my normal apps gets boring pretty quickly. So, I turn on the TV and switch the channels until I get to the news channel. My phone dings as the newscaster starts to discuss the weather. I look down at it and see a message from the SS. When I tap on the red square, my screen goes black again, much to my disappointment.

"Still dying to know who I am?" It says. I huff in agitation, then slam my phone down. I don't feel like answering.

I brush my teeth and get my stuff together, then I'm out the door to meet my friend and neighbor, Zella. Her mom drives us to school because she teaches there in the morning. When I get to the car, I'm greeted by a screaming Zella. Apparently, Leopold Felix, her brother, took the front seat when it's her turn to ride in the front. It's always a little crazy here in the morning.

He sighs, annoyed, then gets out, and slides into the back seat next to me. Leo is a little strange, like his name, but he's cool. Leopold is actually his first name, but when I found out his middle name was Felix, I just had to call him that. When he got annoyed that I only called him Felix, I switched it to Leopold Felix. Sometimes it's too long though, so I mostly call him Leo. 

Like normal, we talk about random stuff on the way up. I want to talk about the Secret Streaker, but I can't with Zella's mom and little sister in the car. I'd be fine telling Leopold Felix considering he's my best friend too, but I don't want the whole Daison family knowing my business.

When we get to school, we have five minutes to get to class. Zella is in another class first period, though, so I won't be able to tell her. I'll just have to wait until our break.

"Hey, I need to tell you something. Meet me by the lockers during our first break." I say, slowing down a little.

"Okay, I'll be waiting," she calls, and then I'm on my way. English goes fine, and so does Math. It's the next class that I dread: history. The subject itself is my favorite of all time, but I'm stuck next to Finn Mason, my competition. 

Finn Mason has been bugging me since the day my life started. Well, not really, considering we weren't in any classes together last year. And he didn't even start talking to people until this year, even though he's lived here since the fourth grade. But anyway, he is in my advanced history class this year, and I have had to sit next to him since the beginning of the school year. He is self-centered, extremely smart, and disrespectful. He also insists on trying to talk to me during the lecture. 

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