DreamLyte Presents: Fict-O-Con: A Character Interview

Start from the beginning

HOST: *shakes his head* If Maya can't stand up for herself, then why do you need other people to fight for you or alongside you, Piper?

*Piper ignores the host and stares at her nails with a sarcastic smirk*

HOST: Let's move on. Matias, how are you? How did you end up in your predicament?

MATIAS: My predicament meaning being trapped between life and death? Well, as happy as I am to be here, to be free from those black woods, I can't tell you. It's something you'd have to find out on you own.

HOST: That's fair. Well, can you explain your abilities? Your connection with Maya?

MATIAS: *bobs his head and licks his lips* Basically, I created this world for myself. The darkness and dead trees--it's fear. The magic, it's the only thing I could hold onto to keep breathing in some form.

HOST: You connect with Maya through the winds and lightning, even a Raven. How are you able to do this?

MATIAS: Because Maya saw me. She ran into my world and we connected. Due to the magic from nature itself, it's what I do to reach out to her, even if she doesn't answer me. Even if I'm weakening. I need her to know that I need her. I want her.

*Matias stares into Maya's eyes*

MAYA: *lets go of a shaky breath* And he's the first person I've felt I needed to risk my life for. He makes me stronger and alive. But when I leave him, I want to be invisible again.

MATIAS: When she leaves me, I want to be seen.

HOST: Natalie, what do you think about Matias's and Maya's connection?

NATALIE: *sighs and smirks* What do I think about their connection? I believe it. I believe in them. No matter the garbage Piper puts my cousin through, Maya is strong. She's hanging on for Matias, no matter the darkness trying to swallow them both alive.

HOST: Maya, why do you believe you could see Matias and no one else can?

MAYA: I didn't want to be seen anymore. When Piper and her minions chased me into the woods, I'd do anything to be invisible because I didn't want Piper or Jacob to kill me, and they would have really killed me. So, I ran into invisibility which explains how I could see Matias.

HOST: I'm sorry to the both of you Matias and Maya. The love between you two is sprouting. I am thankful you can be seen today for this interview and I apologize that you'll have to go back soon. I know your story must continue. It needs to continue because I sense a beautiful ending.

MAYA & MATIAS: Thank you.

HOST: Maya, I know you've brought a preview of you story to share with us and with anyone who'll be interested in reading it, but before I share it with everyone, I'd like to ask you all another question. If you could change one thing about your life whether it be your actions or anything, what would you change? Maya?

MAYA: I would change the way I see things. I want to be braver. I want to stand up to anyone who means me harm or means harm to anyone else. I want to learn how to forgive and free myself from my own darkness.

MATIAS: *smiles at Maya, his hand lays atop hers under the table* I have a past I'd like to change. Maybe if I hung out with the right crowd, I wouldn't have ended up in my situation. Then again, I don't feel like I'd want to change anything. I would have never met Maya if I were able to make a switch in my life.

NATALIE: *Peeks down the table at Maya and grins* I would change my having to follow my fashion career for peace. Don't get me wrong, I love fashion, but after my parents died, all I've been doing is chasing after something. I also would change my attitude. I want to help more people struggling with bullying. I want to start now.

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