me2you804 presents The Billionaire goes to Butlins

Start from the beginning

A snort came from the front of the car causing Betsy's lips to twitch. She met the driver's gaze in the mirror. His eyes were crinkled at the corner and she could see his body shaking as he restrained his laughter.

Allowing her gaze to drift out of the window, she looked at the same scene Nicholas Davenport had but felt none of his horror. Instead she felt something in heart ache as she found herself transported to the last time she had been here. She felt the shadows of happiness envelop her. She could hear the echoes of laughter ringing in her ears and feel the ignorant bliss only a child could have as she remembered the last holiday she had taken with her parents.

Shaking her head, she forced her lips to pull up into a wide grin. "It's a holiday, of course. You, me, and the kids too."

"The kids?"

Betsy nodded her head just as sticky hands slapped against the car window. Nick winced, his lip curling up on instinct as he prepared to be face to face with some underage hooligan. He glanced at the tinted window and blinked when his daughter's face squinted back at him.

"My sister brought them. I knew you'd never come or allow the children to come if I told you beforehand. You can't even deny it." Nick opened his mouth, but a single blonde brow rose in response as her eyes pinned him in place. "Face it. You're bit of a snob." She smiled to soften the blow.

"Whatever," her grunted in response, his hands fussing about with his seat belt.

"You know, I'm surprised I managed to pull this off. It's not like you to allow anything to chance." Betsy folded her arms across her chest. "Normally you're the biggest control freak I have ever known."

"I'll allow that – this time." Nick fingers unknotted his tie and pulled it from his neck. "So I'm guessing the urgent meeting about the merger was just a farce."

"Guilty. You should give your lovely assistant flowers. She was very accommodating."

"And she's getting fired."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's only Butlins." Betsy replied pushing a blonde curl out of her face before reaching for the door handle. "Now, there are two rules for this little holiday. No work for you. And you must have fun – or at least act like it. This trip is not about you. It's about the kids so you will enjoy it. Maybe if you pretend for long enough, you may just have fun."

Before he could choke out a reply, or worse choke her, Betsy threw open the door and climbed out of the car.

Salty sea air buffeted against her from all sides, threatening to pull her hair loose from its tie. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, the summer sun warming her skin. The children came barrelling around the side of the vehicle to greet her, crashing straight into her legs. She placed a hand on the back of the car to steady herself.

"We're on holiday!" Delilah squealed, bouncing up and down right on top of Betsy's sandal clad feet.

Despite the throbbing pain in her toes, she stroked her hand down the side of the young girl's face. "Yes, we are." Betsy replied, her other hand grabbing onto the back of Tommy's t-shirt to keep hold of the toddler at her knees. His little body was thrumming with pent up energy and she knew it would only be moments before he tried to make a mad dash for it. "Are you excited?"

As Delilah started a stream of excited babble, thankfully no longer standing on her toes, Betsy took her hand and led them to where her sister was waiting with her family.

"Hey, how's he taking it?" Claire asked, stretching out an arm and pulling her into a hug. She pulled back and waited while her husband did the same.

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