Chapter 4

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Renji made his way to his Captain's mansion. This was very unusual... He walked up to the door anyway and very cautiously knocked. 

In a short amount of time, one of his maids answered the door. "Uh..Captain Kuchiki wanted me to come...?" He told her. She nodded and took Renji to Byakuya's work space.

"What took so long?" 


Byakuya stood up. "I asked you what took so long. Anyone who isn't enjoying a party wouldn't stay. So answer the question."

"Uh, I thought it was a 'Thank You' letter so I didn't open it for an hour..." Renji hesitantly responded. Byakuya shot him a glare. Oh no.

"I see. I am going to make some tea for us. Sit down and don't touch anything." With that, Byakuya left the room. Renji just stood there, awaiting his return. He just felt so awkward in his Captain's home. It's so nice compared to his, and not to mention the fact that almost nobody is allowed here. He looked around, taking it all in. So this was it. Why doesn't he just work here? It's so much nicer than the office provided. He pushed that thought away when Byakuya returned.

"Here. It's hot so be careful." Byakuya handed him an expensive cup of Green Tea. (Idk what kind of tea they drink oh whale) Why was his captain being so nice? 

"So what's bothering you? As your captain, I have the right to know." Byakuya asked, snapping Renji out of his thoughts. Renji looked down at his String of Fate. He couldn't tell his captain. It'd be too awkward... "Renji."

"Ah! uh.. w-what?"

"Answer my question."

"O-oh. Yeah... I don't know how to-"

"Are you saying you don't want to tell me?"

"N-NO! I just...." Renji sighed. Why was this so hard?! It's perfectly normal! "I don't know. I guess it would be awkward if I told you...."

"Are you sad because you haven't found your soulmate and everyone else has? Or are you disappointed in yourself for being distracted by such a cruel thing?"

"U-uh, yeah..."

"Which is it?"

Renji thought for a minute before deciding. "Uh, both I guess...."

"Get over it. They will most likely come. Be patient. Besides, we have more important things to focus on."

That was kind of blunt.... He was right though. "Thank you Captain..." Byakuya nodded in response. 

What a weird night....

[HIATUS] Renji x Byakuya (Byaren/RenBya) soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now