Chapter 5

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-----------------The next morning---------------

Renji woke up with a headache. Last night was weird. At least everything is back to normal... He rolled out of bed and shuffled over to his closet. After getting dressed and doing his 'business,' he went to the kitchen and looked everywhere for something to eat. Nothing. No breakfast it is then. He walked out the door and headed to work.

"Renji!" He heard a voice and stopped, only to be engulfed in a suffocating hug. "Guess who?"
"I..can't breathe...."
"Oh! Sorry Renji!"
Renji sighed. "Why aren't you out with Hisagi and Izuru?"
Rangiku smirked. Oh no. They didn't. "Well, I WOULD, but I heard they stayed up really late~"
Jeez they really are gay for each other. At least they're happy... "well, what about Momo? I mean, no offense but I don't need you to hang around me all day. I've got enough shit on my shoulders, I don't need to carry you on them too."
"Aw, you're so mean! I'm bored!"
This was really starting to get on Renji's nerves. "Then-!"
"Matsumoto, do I need to report your childish behaviors to Hitsugaya?" A deep voice said from behind Renji. He whipped his head around to see who it was.
"C-Captain?!" Renji stumbled back.
"Abarai, get to work. There's paperwork to be done."
Renji bowed in respect and shunpoed to his office.
"You also have work to do. "
Rangiku stared in fear as the captain of Squad 6 glared at her. "Uh! Uhm, I-!"
"Are you going to do it or do I have to force you?" Byakuya placed a hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto, and Rangiku frantically shook her head in fear.
"Then you should go, shouldn't you?"
Rangiku nodded repeatedly and shunpoed away as far as she could, leaving an irritated Byakuya. He sighed and left for his office.

Renji watched out the window for any signs of pink. Then his captain came into view. His eyes widened and he scrambled for his desk and worked like never before. That's all he needed...for his captain especially, to walk in on him doing nothing. The door opened and he didn't dare look up. "I need you to take this to Lieutenant Izuru of Squad 3. I will continue the paperwork from here." Renji stopped writing and looked up. "B-but captain, Rangiku told me that neither Shuuhei or Izuru reported in today!"
Byakuya's eyes widened just barely. He sighed and said, "Do you know why?"
Renji's face turned about as red as his hair just thinking about what events might've occurred last night.....
"Huh?! Oh...uhh Rangiku told me that they know....b-but that doesn't mean they did! M-maybe they over slept or something?!" Renji gave a nervous laugh.
"Isn't there a third seat you can give this to?" Byakuya stated like it was obvious.
"Uh, I..I mean probably, but-"
"Then go to them." He placed the envelope infront of Renji and moved behind him, waiting for him to get up. Renji gulped and shakily stood up. "Y-yessir...." he grabbed the envelope and made his way out of his office. God, his captain sure could be terrifying....

[HIATUS] Renji x Byakuya (Byaren/RenBya) soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now