
"Why are you apologizing?" He asks in a gruff voice.

"Sorry," I squeak out.

He chuckles lowly, shaking his mass of blond hair. "Stop saying sorry."

I can feel the word at the tip of my tongue, ready to jump out of my mouth but I swallow it down, "Okay," is what cane out instead.

I turn my face to the bar, my cheeks still red and I stare at the counter top biting my red lip.

A glass with a liquid that is light green at the bottom and white at the top clank on the space in front of me. It has some fine grains around the rim of the glass with a twisted lime and some mint leaves. "Here you go beautiful, one virgin margarita." The boyish looking bartender says winking at me before going off to another customer.

"Cheers to your first drink," Aaliyah says raising her glass similar to mine with with a red colour instead.

I raise my glass, clinking them together. Bringing the glass to my lips for a taste it was taken out of my hand.

"Hey -" I begin to protest when I see Enrico dipping a straw into my drink taking a sip before placing back in front of me as if he didn't just drink from my drink.

"It's safe to drink," he state looking at me as if everything is normal.

I look at him bewildered, my eyebrows scruch together. "What, stop looking at me like that." He said with a passive face. "He could have put anything in your drink."

Now that he mentioned it, I see why he did it but isn't that going a little overboard?

'Yeah but what if that guy spiked your drink?'

But why would he do that.

'You never know.' My subconscious reply ending our conversation.

I smile at Enrico, "I understand." I said taking a sip from the cool beverage as it slide down my dry throat.

It taste delicious but I thought -

"It's non alcoholic."


I continue to sip on the drink looking around the club when my eyes spot Aaliyah and Alessandro dancing together, intimately. I didn't even realise when they left.

I thought that she liked Bradley.

Where is Bradley?

I took my phone from my purse and call him but I wasn't getting through, it's going straight to voicemail.

That's weird, he always answers my calls.

A bad feeling crept up on me, the atmosphere changing dramatically. I felt goosebumps raising on my skin, a shudder run down my spine.

"Hey have you -"

"Sorry that I'm late, had a bit of trouble with some work." Bradley said cutting me off placing a kiss on my cheek.

Enrico scowls at him but doesn't say anything, he just fold his arms and continue surveying the crowd.

Bradley took a seat on the stool that Aaliyah was on earlier and order a drink downing it in one go.

He rakes his eyes over my form and I felt a blush creeping up on my cheek at the intensity of his stare, "You look beautiful Amira."

"Thank you." I reply shyly.

We sit at the bar in comfortable silent until he breaks it, "He's lucky."

"What?" I ask looking at him in confusion.

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant