Prisoner/I'm On The Teli!!

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Enjoy this chapter guys!
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I made this story years ago, but got self-conscious of putting it up, I'm currently working on new parts since I didn't finish this story cause something came up in my life.

I felt my stomach rumble in protest, clenching in pain, and I regret destroying my food earlier. I was in the messy room I made messy, holding my knees to my chest again to hold in the pain of my stomach clenching. But I flinch every-damn-time I feel the clenching feeling.

My stomach rumbled louder this time to where I could hear it with my own ears.

"She's hungry.
get a chef to cook her something Elijah."
Klaus says to Elijah.

Elijah nods, walking to the kitchen, ordering the cook to cook the girl something easy and filling. Elijah walked to her room, opening it, and she scooted to the headboard out of fear.
"Easy I am not going to hurt you.
Only clean up the mess."
Elijah zoomed around cleaning the room up instantly.

"Thanks for not hurting me I guess?"
I say as Elijah smiled a little.

A knock on the door was heard, and Elijah lets a chef person cart in a tray of food, and left it in front of Elijah, and left as Elijah sat in a chair, watching me eat my meal on my bed. The meal was a cheese burger and fries with onion rings. I ate slow so I don't choke on my food, glaring at this Elijah guy while he boredly crossed his legs watching me eat.

I finished eating in minutes, and I drank down my glass of water.
I shoved the tray away, and pulled my blanket to my chest.
"Go away now."
I say rudely, and Elijah left, taking the things giving me an apologetic look.

Elijah puts away the things she ate off of, and went to his brother, and says.
"Niklaus she's suffering, so heed my advice, and let her go soon after the two days are up. I will help her through this, but not for you but her."
Elijah says, walking back to the room, and entered it finding the girl asleep in the bed.

Elijah sat in the chair he once sat in watching her sleep, then looked up at the hidden camera, and frowns.

I fell asleep and woke up to it being morning or I thought so, and I felt nasty from a day and a half without a much needed shower. A pony girl gets to stinking if she don't bathe regularly.
And I smell I kinda have a funky odor to me, and I notice nobody was in the room, nor a bathroom.

So what do I do, you ask?
I get out of bed nervously, walk to the door, and bang on it, yelling.
"Hello I'm Miss Prisoner here!
Can I take a decent bath here?!"
I yell this sarcastically might I add, and love every-damn-minute of it.

Klaus was officially laughing at how sarcastic this girl was, well her hooded jacket wasn't a total lie she is number 1 at sarcasm.
"Elijah have Rebecca show Miss Prisoner where the shower and bathroom is, and get her new clothing why don't you?"
Klaus chuckled, loving how amusing this girl is as Elijah does as asked.

Elijah rounds up his sister Rebecca, and his sister gathers things this girl needs, and they both go to the girl's room door. Elijah opened the door, and both of them blink at the smell, coming from the girl, literal body odor of two men who had a sweating competition!

Rebecca was on the verge of wretching from it! Rebecca tugged the girl by her arm, vampire speeding to the bathroom, shoving the girl inside with her things she needed, except clothes, and locked the door.
"Dear gawd!
That was truly horrid."
Rebecca mutters as she left Elijah there to guard the door.

"Cannot argue on that sister."
Elijah admits.

"Why does she smell like that almost like a sweaty bloody horse?"
Rebecca asked under human hearing, and Elijah shrugs.

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