wiggly tooth, allergies & more!

Comenzar desde el principio

"Follow Papi, baby girl." Will says as Coralei follows behind RJ.

RJ smiles at Will as he holds the door for Coralei and Will.

Will signs Coralei and Theodore in and sits down next to RJ.

Will films RJ holding Coralei on his lap and Theodore in his car seat half asleep.

"I love you." RJ says as he smiles at Will.

"I love you too, babe." Will says as he kisses RJ.

Coralei begins to itch her arm and RJ stops her.

"Don't do that, Coralei. It's okay. We are going to get it fixed." RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek. 

After a few minutes, a nurse calls Coralei and Theodore back!

"Coralei and Theodore Shepherd-Aguiar!" Allie the nurse says.

"Let's go, honey bear!" Will says as Coralei holds his hand while RJ is holding Theodore's car seat.

"I am going to weight and check Coralei first and then we can do Theodore when Dr. Dimick comes in. So, he can finish some of his nap." Allie says with a big grin.

"Sounds good." RJ says as he sits Theodore's car seat down.

"Hi, Coralei! You are so pretty! Can you stand on the scale for me?" Allie asks and Coralei steps on the scale.

"Good girl, Coralei!" Will says as he smiles.

"Twenty five pounds! You are getting so big! Okay, can you stand right here for me? To see how tall you are!" Allie says and Coralei stands near the measuring wall.

"Awesome job, standing nice and straight! How old is she? She is very observant and listens so well!" Allie says with a big smile.

"She's seventeen months." Will says proudly.

"You are thirty one inches tall! Tall girl! Okay let's get you guys into your room to wait for Dr. Dimick." Allie says as Coralei, RJ and Will walk into a waiting room.

"Can she have a sticker?" Allie whispers.

"Yes, she can!" RJ says with a smile.

"Coralei, would you like a sticker?" Allie asks Coralei.

"Uh huh!" Coralei says with a grin.

"What do you say?" Will says to Coralei.

"Yes, pwease!" Coralei says making Allie smile.

"Which one would you like?" Allie asks Coralei. Coralei picks a My Little Pony one.

"Fank you!" Coralei says happily.

"You're welcome, sweety! Dr. Dimick will be coming in a few minutes!" Allie says as she waves at Coralei, Will and RJ before leaving.

"You are such a big girl! I am so proud of this girl." RJ says as Coralei itches her face.

"Don't itch your face, baby girl." Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

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