"So, if Cody could drop a few names, plant some seeds in the others minds. I might be able to keep Cody from going on the block, but I'll keep Jessica safe for as long as I can." I finalize what I want from the strongest showmance of the season. "Deal." Cody agreed, sticking out his hand for me to shake. 

I decide to drop myself in order to ensure that Cody does what I need him to do before I evict him this week. I could easily win the Veto and not use it and screw over everyone in the house who's committed to taking Cody out. If i did that, there wouldn't be any long term advantages because my game would be six feet under at the hands of Paul. Regardless, Cody will to do it to save Jessica's game.

"New clues!!" Someone shrieked from the living room. I ran out of the room before anyone could see that I was alone with Jess and Cody, "What are they?" I ask, sitting down on top of Paul on the couch.

"This weeks clues involve muscles. While our BB Legend never won a single competition, they were always in the HOH room. Our BB Descendant hasn't won a comp yet, they have proven that they are more than capable. And as for the HOH room, its only a matter of time." Paul read out.

Everyone sat around and digested the new bit of information, piecing it together with last weeks chunk. "So, it's not Cody, Paul or Alex." Dominique piped up again. "Whoever it is, this a chance to speak up now." Mark declared. I waited for someone else to try and pin it on someone. I hadn't won a comp yet, and I practically live in the HOH room, yet know one is looking at me.

"I still think it's you, Dom." Cody said, breaking the silence in the house. Dom looked taken back, "Excuse me?" She defended. Cody shrugged his shoulders and everyone turned to see what he had to say. 

About this time last week, I told the majority of the alliance that I think Dom is the BB Legends relative. Everyone seemed to buy it, except for Paul, who knew the truth before the twist was revealed. And considering I just admitted to Jess and Cody that I was the relative, Cody calling out Dominique is just what I was asking for.

"Where's your proof?" She snapped back at Cody, "I think you're lying to us all about being a motivational speaker. We both know you're a lot smarter than you lead on." He finished before getting up and going to the other end of the house. After that, everyone started to clear out and Paul and I walked hand in hand to the HOH room.

Once we're both in the room, Paul locks the door, "That was a best case scenario for you, you know that right?" Paul interrogated as soon as the lock clicked. "Dom has been telling people she's skeptical of you, and Cody calling her out like that only makes her look guilty." He followed up. "I know, that was amazing to watch fold out." I say, grabbing my water bottle that I left on the bedside table here last night. "I think Dom needs to go, soon." I say, sitting down on the bed while Paul threw some of his clothes into a laundry basket. "She's just making herself more of a target right now. Maybe next week can give her the boot." He moved the basket onto the floor and plopped down next to me, making the mattress sink slightly. 

There was a knock on the door and I went to unlock it. Marlena and Maven rolled in with Christmas on crutches. "So, I need pawns obviously, and I was thinking that Mark and Raven go up-" I tuned out and waited for Mark, who seemed most uneased by Paul's plan to tell him why it sucked. His argument was the same as mine, why take away numbers from our side?

"I think we should put Alex and Josh up for pawns." I mentioned, earning an odd look from Paul. The five of them really seemed to like my idea better as I explained it.

"I'll talk to them both about it." Paul finally agreed to how we should backdoor Cody this week. I could tell right off the bat that he wasn't super happy that the group didn't like his plan, "Hey, we're still gonna get Cody out." I rub his thigh after Matt hopped in the shower and Elena went down stairs to eat. I gave Paul a comforting smile and he leaned in to kiss me. It was a sweet and short kiss, the kind you get after the second or third date.

I smiled, the idea of Paul and I being a normal couple outside of the house slipped into my mind, and I didn't hate it the least bit. This time I leaned in an kissed him, catching him a little off guard, but pulled me a little closer to his body regardless. "We should go for drinks, after finale night." He said, pulling out of the kiss. I placed my hands on his shoulders, "We should." I say, looking into his eyes. "I'll take you to some of my favorite places, maybe go on a date or two." He twirls me around and gently knocks me onto the bed.

When Paul tells me that he wants to take Laul outside of the house when the seasons over, I don't really know how to feel about it. Everything I've been thinking about since I stepped foot in the house has revolved around the game, and when I take breaks here and there, there's Paul to distract me. Like, I like Paul as a person, I really do. But while we're in this house I know I can't be too sincere and I have to keep watching out for myself. Paul is a dangerous player at the end of the night and if I make myself too vulnerable, I could get screwed over big time.

 "Ask me on finale night. I'll have to say yes." I tease him, rolling off the bed on onto the floor before ducking out of the HOH room to do some more dirty work. 

Jessica and Cody are basically in exile this week so it's not hard to talk with them alone. I found Jessica alone in the Have-Not room. I lowkey danced my way across the room and sat at the foot of the bed she was laying on. "Paul is still very keen on getting Cody out this week." I tell her with all honesty, "But I wanna make an alliance with you." I lay out my cards. Jessica looked almost surprised with my last few words. "If Cody goes this week, you one of the two people who trust you in the house. So, if you wanna make any deals between you and me, this is the time to do it." I use my words to push Jess into a corner. 

"A final two? Between you and I?" She questioned. I nodded my head, "But aren't you and Paul final two already?" She didn't seemed to grasp my ideas too well. "If it's gonna be you and I in the final two, someone's going to have to take Paul out." I point out to her. Something clicked in her head and a spark of hope lit in her eyes, "I trust you. Consider me to the double agent that over throws the Abrahamian government." I say, causing Jessica to pull a wicked smile across her face, "Final two." She says. We shake hands and I come up with the perfect name. 

"We can be the O-S-S-C." I say with a genuine smile on my face. She raised one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows at me, "The Our Showmances Suck Club." I say with a chuckle. Jessica starts to crack up too, "I love it." She leans back on the bed. 

Jesscia in dr: Liana is telling me that she wants a final two and is willing to be the one to take out Paul when the time comes. Everyone in the house has turned their backs on Cody and I, Lia even went as far to start a very public screaming match with him, but she's still wiling to help us get by. I can't tell if she's being serious with all these deals shes making, but I don't have much of choice but to trust her.

"What's best is that know one will see us coming." Jessica said before taking a sip of juice from her glass.

an: Liana is making some risky moves playing for Cody and Paul, but holds onto Jessica. Let me know what y'all are thinking of her strategies and predict what you think will happen in the comments <3 

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