"Somebody is stinky! Who is it?" RJ asks out loud as he laughs.

RJ first smells Theodore and it isn't him. RJ smells Coralei and it's her.

"Coralei is stinky!" RJ says and Coralei giggles loudly.

RJ takes Coralei over to her bedroom to change her diaper.

RJ begins to gag a little and Will giggles. Will puts Theodore back into the carrier and he walks into his bedroom.

"She definitely has diarrhea. Did she have this last night?" RJ asks Will as he cleans up Coralei and changes her diaper.

"No, she was just gasy and she said her tummy hurt a lot." Will says as he kisses Theodore's head.

"Do you feel icky, Coralei?" RJ asks Coralei.

"Just tummy hurts!" Coralei says with a cheeky smile and laughs.

"She doesn't feel warm. Maybe it is a twenty four hour bug." Will says as RJ holds Coralei.

"Pway!" Coralei says as she runs around.

Theodore looks up at RJ and Will. "Hi, buddy! Hi!" RJ says softly.

"He still is clingy but that's okay, huh?" Will says as he rubs Theodore's head.

Coralei and RJ walk downstairs and see Dobby.

"Dobby! Dobby! Hi!" Coralei says as she runs after Dobby.

"Be careful with Dobby." RJ says softly with Coralei.

"Outside! Wet!" Coralei says as she sits down by the sliding glass door.

"It is wet. It's raining, honey bear." Will says as Theodore begins rooting.

"Are you hungry?" Will asks Theodore and begins to nurse him.

"I go outside!" Coralei says as she tries to open the door.

"No, honey bear. It's raining and we can get sick." RJ says to Coralei.

Will finishes feeding Theodore and puts him in his swing.

"Benji has been sleeping a long time. Let me get him and then we can have breakfast." Will says as he kisses RJ.

RJ sits in the floor with Coralei, Dobby and Theodore. Coralei begins to play with the blocks.

Will walks upstairs and slowly opens Benji's bedroom door. Benji is still asleep.

Will sets the camera down and begins to rub Benji's back.

"Bubba. Bubba." Will whispers as Benji begins to wake up slowly.

"Hey, sleepy head. You were sleeping good, huh?" Will says as Benji yawns.

"Mhm. It's dark out." Benji says and Will laughs.

"It's raining, bud. We were waiting to eat breakfast with you!" Will says and Benji giggles.

Benji goes to the bathroom and then walks downstairs with Will.

"There's Benji! Hey!" RJ says as Benji smiles.

"Bubba!" Coralei says as she hugs Benji. Benji sits down and kisses Theodore.

RJ begins to make scrambled eggs for breakfast while Benji and Coralei played.

Benji, Coralei, Will and RJ begin to eat breakfast together.

After breakfast, Benji begins to play Pokémon and Coralei plays with her baby doll.

Will sits in the recliner and Theodore lays on his chest. RJ and Dobby are sitting together on the couch.

"Theodore loves to cuddle, huh?" RJ says and Will smiles.

"The kids really wanna go outside." RJ says as he vlogs Benji and Coralei sitting near the glass door.

After a few hours of playing, Coralei and Theodore take a nap.

"Theodore is taking a nice nap, so hopefully he is feeling better. Coralei has felt better too. No more diarrhea so far. Benji and RJ are getting ready to play a board game. Which game are you guys playing?" Will asks Benji.

"Either Trouble or Sorry!" Benji says as RJ tickles him making him giggle.

"Daddy! Play with us too!" Benji says and Will joins them.

"I won!" Benji says. "You did! You kicked my butt." RJ says as he lays on the floor.

"I know, I didn't know you played Sorry before." Will says.

"Uh huh! I played it at Kinley's house." Benji says with a grin.

After Coralei and Theodore wake up, it's time to watch some movies.

"We are watching Little Mermaid. Coralei loves this movie." Will says as he films Coralei and Benji sitting together and covered up with a blanket.

Will films Theodore laying on RJ's chest. "Teddy is cuddling with Papi." Will says and RJ smiles.

"What movie do you guys wanna watch next?" RJ asks Coralei snd Benji.

"Dory!" Coralei says. "I wanna watch Toys Story!" Benji says with a grin.

"We have to play eenie meenie to choose the next one!" Will says with a grin. Toys Story wins!

Will, RJ, Theodore, Benji and Coralei watched movies all day! :)

Will posts a picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore watching a movie. Dobby is laying next to Benji. He writes the caption as: "Rainy day movie day with these cuties. 👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻"

RJ posts a picture of Will sleeping and the kids watching a movie. He writes the caption as: "Rainy day cuddles with b & the kids are watching movies 😊"

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